Hi all,

To entice you—below are some of the questions we plan to ask at next
week's #OpenOrgChat on Twitter. We'll gather 'round the hashtag at 14:00
Eastern / 18:00 UTC for conversation and merriment. Hope to see you
there [1].


[1] https://opensource.com/open-organization/resources/twitter-chats


Q1: What is accountability? How do open organizations specifically
embrace the concept? (from @brookmanville) #OpenOrgChat

Q2: Does accountability have a negative connotation? Should we change
that? How? (from @samfw) #OpenOrgChat

Q3: How can we enhance accountability without creating cultures of
excessive blame? (from @woohuiren) #OpenOrgChat

Q4: How do we ensure accountability when coordinating internal and
external communities? #OpenOrgChat

Q5: What is accountability's role in a meritocracy? (from @sc_mccann)

Q6: What is the relationship between accountability and transparency in
open organizations? #OpenOrgChat

Q7: What's the best way to balance accountability with freedom? (from
@woohuiren) #OpenOrgChat

Q8: What is "360-degree accountability" and why is it important?

Q9: What have you found to be the best way to encourage accountability?
(from @woohuiren) #OpenOrgChat

Q10: How do you ensure accountability across geographical locations or
on remote teams? (from @allisonsm7) #OpenOrgChat


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