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Publisher Name:          OpenPKG GmbH
Publisher Home:          http://openpkg.com/

Advisory Id (public):    OpenPKG-SA-2007.011
Advisory Type:           OpenPKG Security Advisory (SA)
Advisory Directory:      http://openpkg.com/go/OpenPKG-SA
Advisory Document:       http://openpkg.com/go/OpenPKG-SA-2007.011
Advisory Published:      2007-05-17 20:44 UTC

Issue Id (internal):     OpenPKG-SI-20070329.01
Issue First Created:     2007-03-29
Issue Last Modified:     2007-05-17
Issue Revision:          06

Subject Name:            Apache/mod_perl
Subject Summary:         Perl Extension Module for Apache
Subject Home:            http://perl.apache.org/
Subject Versions:        1.* <= 1.29

Vulnerability Id:        CVE-2007-1349
Vulnerability Scope:     global (not OpenPKG specific)

Attack Feasibility:      run-time
Attack Vector:           remote network
Attack Impact:           denial of service

    A vulnerability exists [0] in the Apache extension module mod_perl
    [1], which potentially can be exploited by malicious people to
    cause a DoS (Denial of Service). The vulnerability is caused due
    to a regular expression in "PerlRun.pm" that uses the "path_info"
    variable without properly escaping it [2]. This can be exploited to
    cause a DoS by sending requests with specially crafted URLs to a
    vulnerable server [3][4].

    [0] http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/modperl/modperl/92739
    [1] http://perl.apache.org/
    [2] http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=rev&revision=521582
    [3] http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-1349
    [4] http://secunia.com/advisories/24678/

Primary Package Name:    apache
Primary Package Home:    http://openpkg.org/go/package/apache

Corrected Distribution:  Corrected Branch: Corrected Package:
OpenPKG Enterprise       E1.0-SOLID        apache-1.3.37-E1.0.4
OpenPKG Community        CURRENT           apache-1.3.37-20070329
OpenPKG Community        CURRENT           apache-php4-1.3.37-20070329

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Comment: OpenPKG GmbH <http://openpkg.com/>

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