On Mon, Jun 30, 2003, Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 29, 2003, Thomas Lotterer wrote:
>> [...]
>> - also, there were issues regarding prolog and epilog when rotating
>>   logs. I thougt i did a good job at simplyfing sendmail but ralf backed
>>   out my changes with no full explanation. The openssh package seems to
>>   use a similar logic.
>> [...]
> [...] but it introduced the first time that an rc script calls rc
> for itself. I before we do such things we should make a general
> decision for those approaches. If we know that this approach works
> fine and as intended with both the old rc script and the forthcoming
> OSSP rc replacement and that we want to do it this way, we certainly
> can use your approach as is. But I personally would prefer that the
> new OSSP rc allows one to directly call %foo from %bar section with
> some special syntax.
This is unadvised, because the future rc can use values from its environment
which could be different during execution of the run commands themselves.
However, another way to look at it is that this is a feature!

The future rc will recognize a meta identifier, calling another section from
its own rcfile. For example from rc-sample(5):

  %restart -u root -p 100
      if opServiceEnabled foo; then
          sleep 1

In today's OSSP rc the '%' section identifier is configurable, and in the
future the section meta identifier probably will also be configurable.

Development Team, Application Services
Cable & Wireless Telecommunications Services GmbH

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