On Tue, Dec 30, 2003, Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:
>On Mon, Dec 29, 2003, Bill Campbell wrote:
>> I've just finished a first cut on building rwhoisd- under OpenPKG
>> Release 1.3.  A SRPM package is available for review:
>> ftp://ftp.celestial.com/private/ftp.openpkg.org/release/1.3/SRC/rwhoisd-
>> There's a fair amount of configuration necessary after installation.  The
>> way rwhoisd is written, it takes a bit of doing to force it into the
>> OpenPKG standards with all configuration files under
>> %{l_prefix}/etc/rwhoisd and run-time files under %{l_prefix}/var/rwhoisd.
>> This now works only if one doesn't want to run chroot'ed, and specify full
>> paths for the PID and log files (which I've done with the sample
>> rwhoisd.conf file).
>I've looked at your rwhoisd package and made an initial OpenPKG-CURRENT
>package out of it. Unfortunatly I had to change many things because
>our RPM .spec file policy is a lot stricted than what you already had.
>I've also not tried it under run-time. So, please look at the new
>"rwhoisd" package in CURRENT and drop us feedback to make sure it works
>as expected. Thanks for your contribution, Bill.

I'll be looking at this in more depth later today as we're implementing
this at one of our larger ISP customers.  Looking at the spec file and
having thought a bit more about ownership and permissions, I do have some

  1.  Where does one find speclint, and perhaps a prototype spec file with
      all possible options/sections defined?

  2.  The %{l_prefix}/etc/rwhoisd directory should probably also have the
      restricted ownership as rwhoisd appears to want to build database
      files itself.  I'm also thinking of building a Makefile for that
      directory to facilitate updates after changing data files.

  3.  Given that there is always considerable editing required for the
      rwhoisd files for any given installation, I would prefer not to
      create any configuration files automatically except perhaps in %post
      processing to create initial files from the samples directory.  This
      isn't a program that one just drops in and expects to work without
      extensive preparation.

  4.  I would like to see the samples and doc information including the
      appropriate RFCs included, perhaps with an option, so the info is
      available when editing the files.

  5.  Looking at the patch file, I see that you simplified the varargs
      patches.  I was tempted to do it that way, but didn't want to break
      backwards compatibility on the off chance that it was being built on
      an old system.

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
UUCP:               camco!bill  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:            (206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676
URL: http://www.celestial.com/

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machines nor flesh-and-blood.  Persons... have opportunities, not rights,
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