On Fri, Sep 12, 2003, Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:
>On Thu, Sep 11, 2003, Bill Campbell wrote:
>> I'm attempting to build OpenPKG release 1.3 on OS X/Darwin, and it builds
>> with one minor hack in gzip to keep it from trying to use the assembler.
>> Unfortunately once it's built, rpm fails when attempting to rebuild or
>> install SRPMS with the error:
>>      error: unpacking of archive failed: cpio: Bad/unreadable  header
>> If I run ``rpm2cpio $srpm | cpio -itv'' it reads the archive successfully.
>> I've looked at the cpio code in /tmp/openpkg-1.3.0/rpm-4.0.2/lib, but don't
>> see anything that just jumps out at me.  I thought it might be an endian
>> problem, but it doesn't appear that's the problem (I pulled the ENDIAN
>> tests out of the verify.c routine, into a small test program which worked
>> fine).
>> I've been running a non OpenPKG version of rpm-4.0.2 on OS X with no
>> problems using these patches (which don't seem to do anything to cpio
>> related code except possibly the LIBMISC additions in a couple of
>> Makefile.in files).
>> http://www-jlc.kek.jp/~fujiik/macosx/10.2.X/SOURCES/rpm-4.0.2-macosx.patch
>> Does anybody have any suggestions or solutions to this before I go digging?
>I strongly suggest you to retry with the OpenPKG-CURRENT "openpkg"
>package and its RPM 4.2.1. There were lots of fixes in this area inside
>RPM. And if we finally should integrate MacOS support into OpenPKG. we
>definetely need patches against OpenPKG-CURRENT anyway...

I've finally gotten back to this project, and have the basic OpenPKG
current working here on an OS X 10.3 ``Panther'' machine.  It required a
very minor tweak to the bootstrap openpkg.spec file to suppress assembler
in gzip, and some jiggery in installing the built bootstrap.

For some reason which I haven't figured out, the boostrap install shell
script didn't finish the installation properly, leaving some files out
(%{l_prefix}/bin/rpmbuild for one), and all permissions were wrong.  The
rpm binary failed on commands such as ``rpm -qa'' saying that ``-qa''
wasn't a file.  Doing a forced reinstall of the binary RPM package
generated by the bootstrap using ``rpm --force -U ...'' successfully
installed the packages with the correct permissions and things worked after

I have built a number of packages with this, but many require some
tweaking, largely due to incompatibilities between the OS X versions of
automake, autoconf, and libtool (no surprise there :-).

One thing that caused problems was building the coreutils with_legacy=yes
so that there would be gnu-compatible version of programs such as ``cp''
since I anticipated similar problems to those I've found on FreeBSD with
RPM spec files that use options that aren't in the vendor's version of the
programs.  This caused the config.guess programs to fail since they were
often getting the gnuish version of uname instead of the system's.  I added
a section to the coreutils.spec file to remove uname and hostname (which I
have found caused problems with SuSE >8.0 where the -s option changes the

At this point, I'm still fumbling around a bit to figure out how to best
fix the darwinisms, and haven't been able to build some basic packages such
as the fileutils (it fails in the find/fstype.c file).  I'm currently
loading the gnu-darwin base package so I can take a look at their versions
of these to see how they've worked around these problems.  Presumably,
their OS X patches can be worked into the OpenPKG packages.

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Systems, Inc.
UUCP:               camco!bill  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:            (206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676
URL: http://www.celestial.com/

``Mechanical Engineers build weapons.  Civil Engineers build targets.''
The OpenPKG Project                                    www.openpkg.org
Developer Communication List                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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