On Fri, Jun 22, 2007, Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:

> Just a heads up: we recently investigated a lot into the packaging of
> Apache 2.2 in OpenPKG-CURRENT. Now it seems to be time to _finally_
> switch the "apache" package from Apache 1.3 to Apache 2.2. The
> "apache2-xxx" packages will become "apache-xxx", too. Once I've got APR
> cleaned up and extended today and Apache 2.2 building just fine again
> against the external "apr" package, I'll do the migrations.

OpenPKG-CURRENT is now finally upgraded. When you upgrade your
instances, please notice that manual intervention is required as
mod_php and mod_perl are now in their own packages "apache-php" and
"apache-perl". So, previously you installed a PHP/Perl-aware Apache
with e.g. "openpkg builld -D with_mod_php -D with_mod_php_xml -D
with_mod_perl apache | sh" while now you have to use "openpkg builld-D
apache-php::with_xml apache apache-php apache-perl | sh".

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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