On Thu, Jan 15, 2004, Christopher Chan wrote:
> Is there any man page or other documentation for shtool other then the script
> itself?
Yes. If you:

  o Installed the OpenPKG shtool package,
    then shtool.1 is found in /yourprefix/man/man1/shtool.1

  o Installed OSSP shtool (without OpenPKG),
    then shtool.1 is found wherever you specified during configuration:

      $ ./configure --help | grep mandir
      $   --mandir=DIR           man documentation [PREFIX/man]

Only if you've never installed shtool will you have no documentation.
OpenPKG copies only the 'shtool' binary to its lib/openpkg directory for
internal use. It does not copy 'shtoolize' or any other files (including
docs). Likewise for tar, curl, gzip, bash...

So if you have indeed installed shtool, it should be as easy as:

  $ man shtool
  $ man shtoolize

Set $MANDIR to the path of your 'shtool.1' if this doesn't work.

Development Team, Operations Northern Europe
Cable & Wireless Telecommunications Services GmbH

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