On Fri, Jun 25, 2004 at 10:59:42AM -0300, Alexander Belck wrote:

> Do I need a hole new OpenPkg instalation with a diferent opkg_root to have
> distingt apache builds (one with_mod_php, one without) and processes ?

You need a new OpenPKG instance to get different apache builds. You
could run several Apache instances from a single OpenPKG instance if
you provide your own startup scripts and configurations, but using
multiple OpenPKG instances is easier to maintain, especially once you
want to migrate a server to a different machine.

> How many client connections can a single apache process handle (simultaneos
> browsing of one site) ?

A single process can handle only a single connection at a time. However,
most connections are very short (in particular those serving static content)
and multiple users won't notice the latency.

Note that the OS itself (the kernel) queues incoming connections, so that
a part of the client connection is already served in parallel. For static
content that effect is significant.

> I thoght that multiple apache processes could be activated if the number of
> request require it and shuted down if to many are idle.

Yes, that is done automatically. Apache starts one "master" process that
controls any number of child processes. Each child handles a single

For small servers some 4-10 processes are enough.
For big servers you may want maybe up to a few hundred processes.

A good approach for a high end server is also to split it into
various parts that serve static pages, dynamic content and large
files. Each type wants a specific apache configuration for best

> About security problems with php, are they just there for acessing sites where
> php is enabled, or only to the persons with write publishing access to the
> sites tree directory (that will mean that the ISP client has bad intensions to
> exploit the php security flaus, not any unknown guy at the web) ?

The person who can write php scripts of course has direct control over
any exploit. But often even visitors can use the same exploits because
most PHP scripts are buggy.

The point is that all customers on that server become victims, not just
the one that hosts the exploit. A single bad customer can compromise
all your customers.

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."
The OpenPKG Project                                    www.openpkg.org
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