
I´ve tried last week to install from the Binary Repository using openpkg-2.1 and openpkg-tool.

I had installed the openpkg-2.1.0-2.1.0.ix86-rhl9-openpkg.sh and done a

openpkg rpm --rebuild ftp://ftp.openpkg.org/release/2.1/SRC/openpkg-tools-0.8.15-2.1.0.src.rpm

  openpkg rpm -ivh openpkg-tools-0.8.15-2.1.0.ix86-rhl9-openpkg.rpm

afterwards i have tried to retrieve the needed packages from ftp.openpkg.org using

  LANG=C /openpkg/bin/openpkg build -p ix86-rhl9 gcc

but this fails since in the BIN/00INDEX.rdf the href points only to the platform directory and not the 00INDEX.rdf.bz2

<Repository rdf:resource="OpenPKG-2.1/Binary/ix86-rhl9" href="ix86-rhl9" platform="ix86-rhl9"/>

pointing directly to the platform directory seems to work.

cheerio Steve

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