Hello, all.

First, kudos on creating such a comprehensive system for portably building and installing unix software. I've found it incredibly useful for my day job, as well as for some personal projects at home. I can't say enough good things about the system, as several of my friends and coworkers will attest. :-)

Anyway...I'm in the process of writing spec files for various applications I'm installing inside OpenPKG. One of the is a perl module with a man page, for which I would like to have the man page installed. I noticed that when I called Makefile.PL outside of OpenPKG, the man page was created and installed properly, but when I installed via the perl-openpkg script, the man page was not installed. After further investigation, I think I have identified the reason:

a chunk of perl-openpkg:
# ==== STEP: 4. install ====
if (grep {  eq "install" } @steps_run) {
    &verbose("step 4: install");

# sanity check
    if (not -f "Makefile") {
        die "file \"Makefile\" not found in working directory";

# determine make(1) command and flags
    my  = ;
     =~ s|\n+$||s;
    my  = "PERL= FULLPERL=";

# execute make(1)
    &runcmd("  pure_install");

Perl-openpkg calls the 'pure_install' target instead of the 'install' target, in the module's generated Makefile. As far as I can tell, the only difference between these targets is that 'pure_install' does not install documentation. This seems like it was a conscious decision...if you don't mind, may I ask what the rationale was? Is this something that should be changed in perl-openpkg, or is it better for me to manually call pod2man in my spec file?


Larry Lansing
The OpenPKG Project                                    www.openpkg.org
User Communication List                      openpkg-users@openpkg.org

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