I build cacti from scratch and only cacti (core + cacti requirements) and this 
is my notes:

1. PHP (as standalone application) need to specify same modules as for 
        PreReq:       php
        PreReq:       php::with_mysql = yes
        PreReq:       php::with_mm = yes
        PreReq:       php::with_pcre = yes
        PreReq:       php::with_xml = yes

2. "php -d safe_mode=off" not work for me (Solaris10/Sparc) - poller try to find snmp* in 

3. dcron work and look for crontabs in "/openpkg/etc/dcron/crontabs" but file 
name must be root or openpkg-r

4. need more intellectual "cacti-cron.sh" - it should not run if cacti not 

5. MySQL by default log all sql into "var/mysql/common.log" as enabled in 
default my.cnf - is it really needed?

P.S. tomorrow i will try new cacti-spine and report any problems i found
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