On Oct 3, 2009, at 5:13 AM, Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:

On Sat, Oct 03, 2009, Armin B. Resch wrote:

Thanks, guys, for your insights wrt the bsddb module which appears to be deprecated, possibly in part due to the pitfalls you described. I guess one way forward to ameliorate API ugliness was to abstract it behind a separate python package (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/bsddb3/4.8.0). Perhaps, under Oracle's auspices, the Berkeley db release cycle is better managed, too.

As a relative OpenPKG newbie, my inquiry is more mundane and general in
nature, though, because my use case is this:

I have a stack of open source products which I built up using OpenPKG and all its components play nicely together. I periodically update the instance which - thanks to rpm - 'memorizes' the product-specific build options as
exposed by the spec file. The plan is to 'snapshot' the product
semi-annually or so. But, as this python-bdb issue exemplifies, there are limitations to this approach of build automation, because here we have a situation in which a build of the same package/version/build-option suddenly fails because a dependency changed. So, what should be the proper approach
and who takes ownership of the issue? To my mind, the options are:

(0) Choose a version of Berkeley DB for OpenPKG python. Internalize a plain vanilla version of Berekeley DB with a single API and backward db format compatibility.

(1) Do nothing - hope for the downstream dependency to fix the issue in a subsequent release or otherwise let the spec file atrophy and the user deal
with it
(2) Pull the offending package (e.g. db-4.8) from the central repo and
revert to the previous version
(3) Remove the offending build option (e.g. for python, remove with_db) (4) Morph the build option into a no-op as far as build configuration goes, but print a DISCLAIMER to stdout with instructions on how to remedy the
situation (e.g. deprecated - install python-bsddb3)
(5) Apply a patch

(6) make a snapshot by storing all Source RPM files (*.src.rpm) which
   you used to created your software stack into a local repository,
   index them there with "openpkg index" and deploy your software
   stacks from there via "openpkg build -r <url>". This way you are
   independent of our OpenPKG upstream packages (which intentionally
   are a fast moving target in order to continously track the latest
   vendor versions).

All source files in OpenPKG need to be forked in order to achieve
an upgrade of Berkeley DB?!? C'mon, be serious ...

73 de Jeff

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