I have an interesting problem on my solaris 10 box I thought someone may be
able to help with.  The libxml package builds and installs but it does not
install all the files, since the build doesn't fail it probably makes it
difficult to notice this failure during testing.  Doing rpm -ql libxml I get
the following listing, which is not even close to a complete libxml install.


I did a rpm -bb and checked in the RPM/TMP folder and poked around with the
build, if I run make install I notice the following error during install,
which I believe somehow causes the other files to not be installed (I don't
see this error on my linux box).

/bin/bash ../../mkinstalldirs /tools/sparc10/share/doc/libxml2-2.7.6/html
../.././install-sh -c -m 0644 ./*.html ./*.c ./*.xml ./*.xsl ./*.res
install:  ./*.html does not exist
make[3]: [install-data-local] Error 1 (ignored)

I noticed the configure/makefile system has a /usr/bin/genhtml program
listed, but that executable does not exist on the solaris 10 box, probably
has something to do with it.  I anyone has any info on what might be causing
this problem, please shot me a note.  Thanks.


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