Am 03.08.2017 um 22:59 schrieb Michael Reichert:
> Hi,
> people are currently discussing a pull request of OSM Carto style which
> would add rendering of the name=* tags of railway tracks and modify the
> labelling of platforms.
> Note: The discussion contains lots of large images, don't open it on a
> mobile device.
> I already commented on the pull request and I am not in favour of
> rendering anything except of platform ref=* tags. Anything else clutters
> the map and might highlight names in European countries which are known
> by railway staff and fans but not by the general public.

In my experience, Euroean railway line names ("Rheintalbahn",
"Elztalbahn", etc) are typically well-known locally. Street names are
rendered. Compared to the number of streets, teh number of railways is
small, so they wouldn't contribute much to clutter.

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