tools/devel/review/00-README       |  77 ++++++-------------------------------
 tools/devel/review/commit.template |  51 ++++++++++++++++++++++--
 tools/devel/review/     |  32 +++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

Update the commit message template with the agreeed format for how to write
commit messages in OpenSAF. Add a shell script that can be used to set the
default commit message in Mercurial to the commit message template.

diff --git a/tools/devel/review/00-README b/tools/devel/review/00-README
--- a/tools/devel/review/00-README
+++ b/tools/devel/review/00-README
@@ -1,79 +1,24 @@
 Commit Message Format
-The patch review process heavily relies on properly formatted commit message.
-This section will describe how commit message should be formatted and the
-relation it has with the patch review process by email.
-A commit message should comply to the following template:
-* First line  : 80-chars long one line short description (#ticket). Describe 
-                the patch is doing logically (not the bug description)
-* Second line : Blank
-* Third line+ : 80-chars long lines for a more complete description
-example: this is a one line short description (#2000)
-This is a more elaborate description that explains your changes and the
-original problem and how it got solved.
- * Blah
- * Blah
-Signed-off-by: John Doe <>
-The first line will be grabbed by the 'hg email' command and added as the
-subject of the patch, hence the why it should be short and precise. Note that 
-also contains the "area/module/feature" of the changes (i.e. example:). If you
-have trouble identifying the unique nature of the patch, your patch is probably
-way to long and should be divided in a series.
-The Ticket # in a future integration will be used on the Trac web interface to
-correlate tickets and commits. It will also be used by Mercurial hooks to
-close/fix tickets automatically if needed.
-The long description gives more details about the patch/changeset.
-The SOB tag is the original patch author.
+The patch review process heavily relies on properly formatted commit messages.
+Use the file commit.template in this directory as a template when writing
+commit messages. Make sure that your commit message contains all the necessary
+parts, i.e. the component name, a short description, the ticket number and
+a long description.
 Default Commit Message Template
-Apparently Mercurial lacks the support of customizing the default commit 
-based on a template file somewhere in the repository.
+Enter the following set of commands to set up the commit.template as the 
+commit message in Mercurial (you need to log out and log in again for the 
+to take effect):
-The Qct extension can be installed and used in your ~/.hgrc profile to point to
-a template file, so that you're nagged every time how to fill the commit
-message properly ;)
-For instance under Red Hat/Fedora the package is called 'qct-mercurial'
-   % yum install qct-mercurial
-   % yum install qct
-Under './tools/devel/review/commit.template', you'll find a default template 
that you
-can use with the Qct extension. The extension automatically looks for a 
-file under `hg root`/.commit.template, a copy is already placed in the OpenSAF
-repository for developer that would like to use the Qct extension.
-hgext.qct =
-signoff = Signed-off-by: John Doe <>
-To use the Qct Extension, you'll have to commit your changes using the 'hg
-commit-tool | hg qct' command. The tool has neat features, like dynamically
-deciding which files will be part of the current commit etc. But it might bug
-some developers since it pops up a GUI.
+mkdir ~/bin
+cp ~/bin
+chmod 755 ~/bin/
+echo "export HGEDITOR=~/bin/" >> ~/.bashrc
+echo "setenv HGEDITOR ~/bin/" >> ~/.cshrc
 Mercurial Settings Needed for Email Review
diff --git a/tools/devel/review/commit.template 
--- a/tools/devel/review/commit.template
+++ b/tools/devel/review/commit.template
@@ -1,6 +1,47 @@
-module: this is a one line short description
+component: short_description [#ticket_number]
-Ticket #xxx (delete me if none)
-This is a more elaborate description that explains your changes and the
-original problem and how it got solved.
+HG: Enter commit message.  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
+HG: An empty message aborts the commit.
+HG: Edit the different parts of the commit message template above as follows:
+HG: component
+HG:       Concatenation of the "Component" and "Part" fields of the ticket in
+HG:       the OpenSAF ticket system at SourceForge. The "Part" field is
+HG:       optional. Write in lower case, with no space or other character
+HG:       between the component and the part. Follow with a colon and then a
+HG:       space.
+HG: short_description
+HG:       A one-line (max 80 characters) description of the changeset, starting
+HG:       with a verb in present tense (e.g. Add, Fix, Change, ...)
+HG: ticket_number
+HG:       The ticket number in the OpenSAF ticket system at SourceForge. The
+HG:       ticket number shall be preceded with a hash sign and surrounded with
+HG:       square brackets, so that SourceForge recognizes it as a ticket
+HG:       reference and inserts a hyperlink when displaying the commit message
+HG:       on a web page.
+HG: long_descrption
+HG:       The long description shall be a more elaborate description of what
+HG:       has been changed and why. For defect tickets, the long description
+HG:       should consist of three parts, separated by blank lines:
+HG:               visible_symptoms_of_the_problem
+HG:               analysis_of_the_cause
+HG:               description_of_the_solution
+HG:       The visible_symptoms_of_the_problem should show how the problem
+HG:       manifests itself, e.g. actual (and verbatim) log messages taken from
+HG:       a system where the problem occurred. If the problem happens again, it
+HG:       should be easy to search for the log messages to find the changeset
+HG:       containing the fix.
+HG:       The analysis_of_the_cause shall explain the fault in the program
+HG:       code. The description_of_the_solution shall explain how the changeset
+HG:       corrects the fault in the program code.
diff --git a/tools/devel/review/ b/tools/devel/review/
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/devel/review/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+if test -n "$VISUAL" -a -z "$hgeditor"; then
+    hgeditor=$(type -p "$VISUAL")
+if test -n "$EDITOR" -a -z "$hgeditor"; then
+    hgeditor=$(type -p "$EDITOR")
+if test -z "$hgeditor"; then
+    hgeditor=$(type -p emacs)
+if test -z "$hgeditor"; then
+    hgeditor=$(type -p vi)
+if test -z "$hgeditor"; then
+    echo "Cannot find a suitable editor. Please set the environment variable"
+    echo "EDITOR"
+    exit 1
+template_file=$(hg root)/tools/devel/review/commit.template
+if test -s "$template_file"; then
+    grep -E "^HG:" "$1" >& /dev/null && cp "$template_file" "$1"
+    test -s "$1" || cp "$template_file" "$1"
+    "$hgeditor" "$1"
+    diff -Bw "$template_file" "$1" > /dev/null && exit 1
+    sed -i -e "/^\HG:/d" "$1"
+    "$hgeditor" "$1"
+grep '[^ \t]' "$1" > /dev/null

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