Fix pylint and pep8 issues for the following Python files:
 src/imm/tools/             | 376 ++++++++-------
 src/imm/tools/immxml-merge           | 890 +++++++++++++++++++----------------
 src/imm/tools/immxml-validate        | 792 +++++++++++++++++--------------
 tools/devel/dot/trace2dot            |  70 +--
 tools/devel/review/ |  16 +-
 5 files changed, 1176 insertions(+), 968 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/imm/tools/ b/src/imm/tools/
index 09a9b85..fe1c3ce 100644
--- a/src/imm/tools/
+++ b/src/imm/tools/
@@ -1,221 +1,258 @@
-      -*- OpenSAF  -*-
- (C) Copyright 2009 The OpenSAF Foundation
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This file and program are licensed
- under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1, February 1999.
- The complete license can be accessed from the following location:
- See the Copying file included with the OpenSAF distribution for full
- licensing terms.
- Author(s): Ericsson AB
-import sys,glob,os
+#      -*- OpenSAF  -*-
+# (C) Copyright 2009 The OpenSAF Foundation
+# (C) Copyright Ericsson AB 2015, 2016, 2017. All rights reserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This file and program are licensed
+# under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1, February 1999.
+# The complete license can be accessed from the following location:
+# See the Copying file included with the OpenSAF distribution for full
+# licensing terms.
+# Author(s): Ericsson AB
+""" Common utils to manipulate immxml files """
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import sys
+import glob
+import xml.dom.minidom
 from subprocess import call
-class BaseOptions:
+class BaseOptions(object):
+    """ Base options for immxml tools """
     traceOn = False
-    def printOptionSettings():
-        return 'Options:\n traceOn:%s\n' % (BaseOptions.traceOn)
+    def print_option_settings():
+        return 'Options:\n traceOn:%s\n' % BaseOptions.traceOn
-class BaseImmDocument:
+class BaseImmDocument(object):
+    """ Base class with common methods to manipulate IMM XML documents """
     imm_content_element_name = "imm:IMM-contents"
     imm_content_no_namespace_spec = "<imm:IMM-contents>"
-    imm_content_with_namespace_spec = "<imm:IMM-contents 
-     # helper function to identify a problem where python/minidom
-    # fails to parse some imm.xml files where the imm: namespace is missing
-    # (for example the output of the immdump tool)
-    def verifyInputXmlDocumentFileIsParsable(self, filename):
-        if os.stat(filename).st_size == 0:
-            abort_script("The inputfile %s is empty!", filename)
-        f = open(filename)
-        immContentsTagFound = False
-        for line in f:
-            s = line
-            str = s.replace(self.imm_content_no_namespace_spec, 
-            if len(str) != len(s):
-                # there was a substitution....file will not be possible to 
-                abort_script("The inputfile lacks namespace specification in 
<imm:IMM-contents> tag")
-            elif s.find(self.imm_content_element_name) != -1:
-                # Assume file is ok w.r.t namespace 
+    imm_content_with_namespace_spec = \
+        "<imm:IMM-contents xmlns:imm=\"\"; " \
+        "xmlns:xsi=\"\"; " \
+        "xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"SAI-AIS-IMM-XSD-A.02.13.xsd\">"
+    def verify_input_xml_document_file_is_parsable(self, file_name):
+        """ Helper function to identify a problem where python/minidom fails to
+        parse some imm.xml files where the imm namespace is missing (for ex,
+        the output of the immdump tool)
+        """
+        if os.stat(file_name).st_size == 0:
+            abort_script("The input file %s is empty!", file_name)
+        doc = open(file_name)
+        for _line in doc:
+            line = _line
+            string = line.replace(self.imm_content_no_namespace_spec,
+                                  self.imm_content_with_namespace_spec)
+            if len(string) != len(line):
+                # There was a substitution....file will not be possible
+                # to parse....
+                abort_script("The input file lacks namespace specification in "
+                             "<imm:IMM-contents> tag")
+            elif line.find(self.imm_content_element_name) != -1:
+                # Assume file is ok w.r.t namespace
-    def validateXmlFileWithSchema(self, filename, schemaFilename):
+    @staticmethod
+    def validate_xml_file_with_schema(file_name, schema_file_name):
+        """ Validate xml file against its schema """
-        trace("validate xml file:%s", filename)
-        # validate the result file with xmllint
-        command = "/usr/bin/xmllint --noout"+" --schema "+schemaFilename+" 
+        trace("Validate xml file: %s", file_name)
+        # Validate the result file with xmllint
+        command = "/usr/bin/xmllint --noout"+" --schema " + schema_file_name \
+                  + " " + file_name
         print_info_stderr("XML Schema validation (using xmllint):")
-        trace("validate command:%s", command)
-        retCode = call(command, shell=True)
-        if retCode != 0:
-            return retCode
+        trace("Validate command: %s", command)
+        ret_code = call(command, shell=True)
+        if ret_code != 0:
+            return ret_code
-        trace("Successfully validated xml document file: %s", filename)
+        trace("Successfully validated xml document file: %s", file_name)
         return 0
-    def formatXmlFileWithXmlLint(self, infilename, outfilename):
-        trace("formatXmlFileWithXmlLint() prettify xml file:%s", infilename)
-        # "prettify" the result file with xmllint (due to inadequate 
python/minidom prettify functionality)
-        #command = "/bin/sh -c 'XMLLINT_INDENT=\"      \" ; export 
XMLLINT_INDENT; /usr/bin/xmllint --format "+infilename+" --output "+outfilename 
-        command = "/bin/sh -c 'XMLLINT_INDENT=\""+"\t"+"\" ; export 
XMLLINT_INDENT; /usr/bin/xmllint --format "+infilename+" --output "+outfilename 
-        trace("formatting command:%s", command)
-        retCode = call(command, shell=True)
-        #if retCode != 0:
-            #return retCode
-            #validate_failed("failed to validate input file %s:", filename)
-        return retCode
-    def printToStdoutAndRemoveTmpFile(self, tempfile):
+    @staticmethod
+    def format_xml_file_with_xmllint(in_file_name, out_file_name):
+        """ Format xml file with xmllint """
+        trace("formatXmlFileWithXmlLint() prettify xml file:%s", in_file_name)
+        # "prettify" the result file with xmllint
+        # (due to inadequate python/minidom prettify functionality)
+        command = "/bin/sh -c 'XMLLINT_INDENT=\"" + "\t" + \
+                  "\"; export XMLLINT_INDENT; /usr/bin/xmllint --format " + \
+                  in_file_name + " --output " + out_file_name + "'"
+        trace("Formatting command: %s", command)
+        ret_code = call(command, shell=True)
+        # if ret_code != 0:
+        #     return ret_code
+        #     validate_failed("Failed to validate input file: %s", file_name)
+        return ret_code
+    @staticmethod
+    def print_to_stdout_and_remove_tmp_file(temp_file):
+        """ Print the temp file content to stdout and remove the temp file """
         # Print the tmp file to the standard output
-        trace("Print the tmp file to the standard output: %s", tempfile)
-        f = file(tempfile)
+        trace("Print the tmp file to the standard output: %s", temp_file)
+        tmp_file = open(temp_file)
         while True:
-            line = f.readline()
-            if len(line) == 0:
+            line = tmp_file.readline()
+            if not line:
-            print line, # notice comma
-        f.close()
-        # remove temp file
-        trace("delete the stdout tmp file: %s", tempfile)
-        os.remove(tempfile)
-    # helper function to handle a problem where python/minidom
-    # fails to parse some imm.xml files where the imm: namespace is missing
-    # (for example the output of the immdump tool)
-    # Currently NOT used.....
-    def openXmlDocumentFileAndCheckNamespace(self, filename):
-        f = open(filename)
+            print (line, end=" ")  # Print on the same line
+        tmp_file.close()
+        # Remove temp file
+        trace("Delete the stdout tmp file: %s", temp_file)
+        os.remove(temp_file)
+    def open_xml_document_file_and_check_namespace(self, file_name):
+        """ Helper function to handle a problem where python/minidom fails to
+        parse some imm.xml files where the imm namespace is missing (for ex,
+        the output of the immdump tool).
+        *** This method is currently NOT used ****
+        """
+        doc = open(file_name)
         str_list = []
-        immContentsTagFound = False
-        immContentsTagReplaced = False
-        for line in f:
-            s = line
-            if (immContentsTagFound == False):
-                str = s.replace(self.imm_content_no_namespace_spec, 
-                if len(str) != len(s):
-                    s = str
-                    immContentsTagFound = True
-                    immContentsTagReplaced = True
-                elif s.find(self.imm_content_element_name) != -1:
-                    immContentsTagFound = True    
-            str_list.append(s) 
-        xmlstr = ' '.join(str_list)
-        if Options.schemaFilename != None:
-            if immContentsTagReplaced == True:
-                print_info_stderr("Cannot validate inputfile '%s' with schema 
file because of missing namespace specification in element <imm:IMM-contents>. 
\nProceeding with processing of modified input data!", filename)
-            else:
-                if self.validateXmlFile(filename) != 0:
-                    abort_script("Failed to validate the inputfile %s:", 
-        return xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlstr)
-   # helper function to remove some whitespace which we do not want to have in 
result of toPrettyXml
-    # Currently NOT used.....
-    def openXmlDocumentAndStrip(self, filename):
-        f = open(filename)
+        imm_contents_tag_found = False
+        # imm_contents_tag_replaced = False
+        for _line in doc:
+            line = _line
+            if not imm_contents_tag_found:
+                string = line.replace(self.imm_content_no_namespace_spec,
+                                      self.imm_content_with_namespace_spec)
+                if len(string) != len(line):
+                    line = string
+                    imm_contents_tag_found = True
+                    # imm_contents_tag_replaced = True
+                elif line.find(self.imm_content_element_name) != -1:
+                    imm_contents_tag_found = True
+            str_list.append(line)
+        xml_str = ' '.join(str_list)
+        # if Options.schemaFilename is not None:
+        #     if imm_contents_tag_replaced:
+        #         print_info_stderr("Cannot validate input file '%s' with "
+        #                           "schema file because of missing namespace "
+        #                           "specification in element "
+        #                           "<imm:IMM-contents>. \nProceeding with "
+        #                           "processing of modified input data!",
+        #                           file_name)
+        #     else:
+        #         if self.validate_xml_file(file_name) != 0:
+        #             abort_script("Failed to validate the input file: %s",
+        #                          file_name)
+        return xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_str)
+    @staticmethod
+    def open_xml_document_and_strip(file_name):
+        """ Helper function to remove some whitespace which we do not want to
+        have in result of to_pretty_xml
+        *** This method is currently NOT used ***
+        """
+        doc = open(file_name)
         str_list = []
-        for line in f:
-            #s = line.rstrip().lstrip()
-            s = line.strip('\t\n')
-            if len(s) < 5:
-                trace("short line *%s*", s)
-            str_list.append(s) 
-        xmlstr = ' '.join(str_list)
-        return xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlstr)
-# end of Class BaseImmDocument    
+        for line in doc:
+            # string = line.rstrip().lstrip()
+            string = line.strip('\t\n')
+            if len(string) < 5:
+                trace("short line *%s*", string)
+            str_list.append(string)
+        xml_str = ' '.join(str_list)
+        return xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_str)
+# End of BaseImmDocument class
 def trace(*args):
-    if BaseOptions.traceOn == True:
+    """ Print traces to stderr if trace option is enabled """
+    if BaseOptions.traceOn:
         printf_args = []
         for i in range(1, len(args)):
-        formatStr = "TRACE:\t" + args[0]
-        print >> sys.stderr, formatStr % tuple(printf_args)
+        format_str = "TRACE:\t" + args[0]
+        print (format_str % tuple(printf_args), file=sys.stderr)
-def retrieveFilenames(args):
-    fileList = []
-    trace("before glob args:%s", args)
-    fileList = glob.glob(args[0])  # wildcard expansion for WIN support, 
however not tested....
-    trace("after glob filelist:%s length:%d", fileList, len(fileList))
+def retrieve_file_names(args):
+    """ Retrieve file names """
+    trace("Before glob args:%s", args)
+    # Wildcard expansion for WIN support, however not tested....
+    file_list = glob.glob(args[0])
+    trace("After glob file list: %s length: %d", file_list, len(file_list))
-    if (len(fileList) < 2 and len(args) >= 1):
-        fileList = args        
-    trace("Final filelist:%s length:%d", fileList, len(fileList))
-    return fileList
+    if len(file_list) < 2 and len(args) >= 1:
+        file_list = args
+    trace("Final file list: %s length: %d", file_list, len(file_list))
+    return file_list
 def print_info_stderr(*args):
+    """ Print info to stderr """
     printf_args = []
     for i in range(1, len(args)):
-    formatStr = args[0]
-    print >> sys.stderr, formatStr % tuple(printf_args)
+    format_str = args[0]
+    print (format_str % tuple(printf_args), file=sys.stderr)
 def abort_script(*args):
+    """ Abort the script and print info to stderr """
     printf_args = []
     for i in range(1, len(args)):
-    formatStr = "\nAborting script: " + args[0]
-    print >> sys.stderr, formatStr % tuple(printf_args)
+    format_str = "\nAborting script: " + args[0]
+    print (format_str % tuple(printf_args), file=sys.stderr)
 def exit_script(*args):
+    """ Exit the script and print info to stderr """
     printf_args = []
     for i in range(1, len(args)):
-    formatStr = "\n" + args[0]
-    print >> sys.stderr, formatStr % tuple(printf_args)
-    sys.exit(0)    
-def verifyInputFileReadAcess(filename):
-    if os.access(filename, os.R_OK) == False:
-        abort_script("Cannot access input file: %s", filename)    
+    format_str = "\n" + args[0]
+    print (format_str % tuple(printf_args), file=sys.stderr)
+    sys.exit(0)
+def verify_input_file_read_access(file_name):
+    """ Verify if input file has read access """
+    if not os.access(file_name, os.R_OK):
+        abort_script("Cannot access input file: %s", file_name)
 # An attempt to fix minidom pretty print functionality
-# see
-# however the result is still not nice..... (have replaced it with xmllint 
+# see \
+# xml-dom-minidom-toprettyxml-and-silly-whitespace/
+# However the result is still not nice.
+# (have replaced it with xmllint formatting)
 # This way the method gets replaced, worked when called from main()
-    # attempt to replace minidom's function with a "hacked" version
-    # to get decent prettyXml, however it does not look nice anyway....
-    #xml.dom.minidom.Element.writexml = fixed_writexml
-def fixed_writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""):
+# Attempt to replace minidom's function with a "hacked" version to get decent
+# prettyXml, however it does not look nice anyway.
+# xml.dom.minidom.Element.writexml = fixed_writexml
+def fixed_writexml(self, writer, indent="", add_indent="", new_line=""):
+    """ Customized pretty xml print function """
     # indent = current indentation
-    # addindent = indentation to add to higher levels
-    # newl = newline string
-    writer.write(indent+"<" + self.tagName)
+    # add_indent = indentation to add to higher levels
+    # new_line = newline string
+    writer.write(indent + "<" + self.tagName)
     attrs = self._get_attributes()
     a_names = attrs.keys()
@@ -230,12 +267,11 @@ def fixed_writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", 
           and self.childNodes[0].nodeType == xml.dom.minidom.Node.TEXT_NODE:
             self.childNodes[0].writexml(writer, "", "", "")
-            writer.write("</%s>%s" % (self.tagName, newl))
+            writer.write("</%s>%s" % (self.tagName, new_line))
-        writer.write(">%s"%(newl))
+        writer.write(">%s" % new_line)
         for node in self.childNodes:
-            node.writexml(writer,indent+addindent,addindent,newl)
-        writer.write("%s</%s>%s" % (indent,self.tagName,newl))
+            node.writexml(writer, indent + add_indent, add_indent, new_line)
+        writer.write("%s</%s>%s" % (indent, self.tagName, new_line))
-        writer.write("/>%s"%(newl))
+        writer.write("/>%s" % new_line)
diff --git a/src/imm/tools/immxml-merge b/src/imm/tools/immxml-merge
index e73955f..7489da3 100755
--- a/src/imm/tools/immxml-merge
+++ b/src/imm/tools/immxml-merge
@@ -1,30 +1,36 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
-      -*- OpenSAF  -*-
- (C) Copyright 2009 The OpenSAF Foundation
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This file and program are licensed
- under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1, February 1999.
- The complete license can be accessed from the following location:
- See the Copying file included with the OpenSAF distribution for full
- licensing terms.
- Author(s): Ericsson AB
-import re,  sys, getopt, shutil
+#      -*- OpenSAF  -*-
+# (C) Copyright 2009 The OpenSAF Foundation
+# (C) Copyright Ericsson AB 2015, 2016, 2017. All rights reserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This file and program are licensed
+# under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1, February 1999.
+# The complete license can be accessed from the following location:
+# See the Copying file included with the OpenSAF distribution for full
+# licensing terms.
+# Author(s): Ericsson AB
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name,unused-argument
+""" immxml-merge tool """
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import getopt
+import shutil
 import xml.dom.minidom
-from baseimm import *           # Base class and functions for Merge and 
validation utils
-from subprocess import call
 from datetime import datetime
+from baseimm import BaseOptions, BaseImmDocument, trace, retrieve_file_names, \
+    print_info_stderr, abort_script, verify_input_file_read_access
 class Options(BaseOptions):
-    #traceOn = False
+    """ immxml-merge options"""
     keepCommentElements = False
     ignoreVariants = False
     ignoreMissingClass = False
@@ -38,14 +44,22 @@ class Options(BaseOptions):
     schemaFilename = None
     isXmlLintFound = True
     disableParentDnValidation = False
-    def printOptionSettings():
-        return BaseOptions.printOptionSettings()+' keepCommentElements: %s \n 
ignoreVariants: %s \n grep_class: %s\n grep_dn: %s\n negateGrep_dn: %s\n 
negateGrep_class: %s \n sort:%s\n outputFilename: %s\n schemaFilename: %s\n' % 
(Options.keepCommentElements, Options.ignoreVariants, Options.grep_class, 
Options.grep_dn , Options.negateGrep_dn, Options.negateGrep_class, 
Options.sort, Options.outputFilename, Options.schemaFilename)
+    def print_option_settings():
+        return BaseOptions.print_option_settings() + \
+               ' keepCommentElements: %s\n ignoreVariants: %s\n ' \
+               'grep_class: %s\n grep_dn: %s\n negateGrep_dn: %s\n ' \
+               'negateGrep_class: %s\n sort:%s\n outputFilename: %s\n ' \
+               'schemaFilename: %s\n' % \
+               (Options.keepCommentElements, Options.ignoreVariants,
+                Options.grep_class, Options.grep_dn, Options.negateGrep_dn,
+                Options.negateGrep_class, Options.sort, Options.outputFilename,
+                Options.schemaFilename)
 class MergedImmDocument(BaseImmDocument):
+    """ This class contains methods to process the merging of IMM XML files """
     def __init__(self):
         self.isResultDocInitialized = False
         self.document = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
@@ -57,462 +71,540 @@ class MergedImmDocument(BaseImmDocument):
         self.firstSourceDoc = None
         self.objectList = []
         self.objectDnNameDict = {}
-        self.classes_parsed=0
-        self.objects_parsed=0
+        self.classes_parsed = 0
+        self.objects_parsed = 0
     def initialize(self):
+        """ Initialize matching patterns """
         if Options.grep_class:
-            trace("matching classes with pattern:%s", Options.grep_class)
+            trace("Matching classes with pattern: %s", Options.grep_class)
             self.regexpObj = re.compile(Options.grep_class)
         if Options.grep_dn:
-            trace("grep_dn matching dn with pattern:%s", Options.grep_dn)
+            trace("grep_dn matching dn with pattern: %s", Options.grep_dn)
             self.dn_regexpObj = re.compile(Options.grep_dn)
-    def initResultDocument(self, doc): 
+    def init_result_document(self, doc):
+        """ Initialize merge result document """
         if self.isResultDocInitialized:
         trace("Copy elements from first source document file")
         for element in doc.childNodes:
-            trace("nodeType:*%d*" ,element.nodeType)
-            trace("nodeValue:*%s*" , element.nodeValue)
-            trace("nodeName:*%s*" , element.nodeName)
-            trace("parent:*%s*", element.parentNode.nodeName)
+            trace("nodeType: *%d*", element.nodeType)
+            trace("nodeValue: *%s*", element.nodeValue)
+            trace("nodeName: *%s*", element.nodeName)
+            trace("parent: *%s*", element.parentNode.nodeName)
             clone = element.cloneNode(False)
-            if (element.nodeName == self.imm_content_element_name):
-                self.imm_content_element = clone                
-                break            
-        if self.imm_content_element == None:
-            abort_script("did not find <imm:IMM-contents element in first 
source file")
-        self.firstSourceDoc = doc   
+            if element.nodeName == self.imm_content_element_name:
+                self.imm_content_element = clone
+                break
+        if self.imm_content_element is None:
+            abort_script("Did not find <imm:IMM-contents element in first "
+                         "source file")
+        self.firstSourceDoc = doc
         self.isResultDocInitialized = True
         trace("Done copying elements from first source document.")
-    def addClass(self, classElement, otherNodes):
-        className = classElement.getAttribute("name")
-        self.classes_parsed=self.classes_parsed+1
-        trace("className: %s nodeType:%d nodeName:%s", className, 
classElement.nodeType, classElement.nodeName)
-        if self.regexpObj != None:
-            trace ("Check if class %s match pattern %s", className, 
-            if, className) == None:
-                if Options.negateGrep_class == False:
-                    trace ("Class %s does not match pattern %s", className, 
+    def add_class(self, class_element, other_nodes):
+        """ Add classes matching pattern """
+        class_name = class_element.getAttribute("name")
+        self.classes_parsed = self.classes_parsed + 1
+        trace("className: %s nodeType:%d nodeName:%s", class_name,
+              class_element.nodeType, class_element.nodeName)
+        if self.regexpObj is not None:
+            trace("Check if class %s match pattern %s", class_name,
+                  Options.grep_class)
+            if, class_name) is None:
+                if not Options.negateGrep_class:
+                    trace("Class %s does not match pattern %s", class_name,
+                          Options.grep_class)
             elif Options.negateGrep_class:
-                trace ("Class %s does not match negated pattern %s", 
className, Options.grep_class)
+                trace("Class %s does not match negated pattern %s", class_name,
+                      Options.grep_class)
-        trace("match ok :%s", className);
-        # check if class exist in dictionary map
-        if className in self.classDict:
-            # check if class clash is "acceptable"
+        trace("match ok :%s", class_name)
+        # Check if class exists in dictionary map
+        if class_name in self.classDict:
+            # Check if class clash is "acceptable"
             # i.e. should we bail out or not??
-            if self.checkClassClashAcceptable(classElement, className):
-                trace("Ignore class definition duplicate %s. (Class is 
compatible)", className)
-        else: 
-            self.classDict[className] = classElement
-            # add to ordered list
-            self.classList.append((className, (otherNodes, classElement)))
-    def addObject(self, objectElement, otherNodes):
-        className = objectElement.getAttribute("class")
-        trace("DUMPING Object with className: %s \n %s", className, 
-        self.objects_parsed=self.objects_parsed+1
-        objectDnElement = None
-        ## find "dn" childnode
-        for childNode in objectElement.childNodes:
-            if childNode.nodeName == "dn":
-                objectDnElement = childNode
+            if self.check_class_clash_acceptable(class_element, class_name):
+                trace("Ignore class definition duplicate %s. "
+                      "(Class is compatible)", class_name)
+        else:
+            self.classDict[class_name] = class_element
+            # Add to ordered list
+            self.classList.append((class_name, (other_nodes, class_element)))
+    def add_object(self, object_element, other_nodes):
+        """ Add objects matching pattern """
+        class_name = object_element.getAttribute("class")
+        trace("DUMPING Object with className: %s \n %s", class_name,
+              object_element.toxml())
+        self.objects_parsed = self.objects_parsed + 1
+        object_dn_element = None
+        # Find "dn" child node
+        for child_node in object_element.childNodes:
+            if child_node.nodeName == "dn":
+                object_dn_element = child_node
-        if objectDnElement == None or className == None or 
objectDnElement.firstChild == None:
-            abort_script("Failed to find classname or the dn childnode in 
object:%s. " ,objectElement.toxml())
-        # objectDnName = objectDnElement.nodeValue
-        ### NOTE dn name should be the nodeValue of objectDnName...
-        ## however minidom probably gets confused by the equal sign in dn value
-        # so it ends up adding a text node as a child......   
-        objectDnName = objectDnElement.firstChild.nodeValue
-        trace("objectDn key: %s", objectDnName)
-        trace("objectDnElement: %s", objectDnElement.toxml())
-        # classname must exist in dictionary map (unless --ignore-noclass is 
-        if className not in self.classDict:
-            if Options.ignoreMissingClass == False:
-                if Options.grep_class != None:                
-                    trace("ignoring object with class not matching pattern 
classname:%s", className)
+        if object_dn_element is None or class_name is None \
+                or object_dn_element.firstChild is None:
+            abort_script("Failed to find class name or the dn child node in "
+                         "object:%s. ", object_element.toxml())
+        # object_dn_name = object_dn_element.nodeValue
+        # NOTE: dn name should be the nodeValue of object_dn_name
+        # However minidom probably gets confused by the equal sign in dn value
+        # so it ends up adding a text node as a child.
+        object_dn_name = object_dn_element.firstChild.nodeValue
+        trace("objectDn key: %s", object_dn_name)
+        trace("objectDnElement: %s", object_dn_element.toxml())
+        # className must exist in dictionary map
+        # (unless --ignore-noclass is specified)
+        if class_name not in self.classDict:
+            if not Options.ignoreMissingClass:
+                if Options.grep_class is not None:
+                    trace("Ignoring object with class not matching pattern "
+                          "className:%s", class_name)
-                    abort_script("failed to find class referred in: \n %s", 
+                    abort_script("Failed to find class referred in: \n %s",
+                                 object_element.toxml())
-                trace("Continue processing object with missing class 
-        if self.dn_regexpObj != None:
-            trace ("grep_dn check if object dn %s match pattern %s", 
objectDnName, Options.grep_dn)            
-            if, objectDnName) == None:
-                if Options.negateGrep_dn == False:
-                    trace ("Object dn %s does not match pattern %s", 
objectDnName, Options.grep_dn)
+                trace("Continue processing object with missing class "
+                      "(--ignore-missing-class)")
+        if self.dn_regexpObj is not None:
+            trace("Grep_dn check if object dn %s matches pattern %s",
+                  object_dn_name, Options.grep_dn)
+            if, object_dn_name) is None:
+                if not Options.negateGrep_dn:
+                    trace("Object dn %s does not match pattern %s",
+                          object_dn_name, Options.grep_dn)
             elif Options.negateGrep_dn:
-                trace ("Object dn %s does not match negated pattern %s", 
objectDnName, Options.grep_dn)
+                trace("Object dn %s does not match negated pattern %s",
+                      object_dn_name, Options.grep_dn)
-        trace("match ok :%s", objectDnName);
-        if objectDnName in self.objectDnNameDict:
-            if self.checkObjectClashAcceptable(objectDnName):
-                trace("ignore duplicate object: %s with dn: %s", className, 
+        trace("match ok :%s", object_dn_name)
+        if object_dn_name in self.objectDnNameDict:
+            if self.check_object_clash_acceptable(object_dn_name):
+                trace("Ignore duplicate object: %s with dn: %s", class_name,
+                      object_dn_name)
             # TODO add code to check if this is valid clash
-        #self.validateAndStoreDn(objectDnName, objectDnElement)
-        self.objectDnNameDict[objectDnName] = objectDnElement
-        # add to the complete object to ordered list (keyed by classname for 
-        #self.objectList.append((className+objectDnName, objectElement))
-        objectListKey = objectDnName # anything goes, its not used...
-        if Options.sort == True:
-            objectListKeyList = [self.getDnSortPrefix(objectDnName)]
-            objectListKeyList.append(className)
-            objectListKeyList.append(objectDnName)
-            objectListKey = ''.join(objectListKeyList)
-            #objectListKey = self.getDnSortPrefix(objectDnName)+className
-            trace("Object sort order key: %s", objectListKey)
-        self.objectList.append((objectListKey, (otherNodes, objectElement)))
-    def getDnSortPrefix(self, objectDnName):                
-        sortKeyList = [ "A" ]
+        # self.validateAndStoreDn(object_dn_name, object_dn_element)
+        self.objectDnNameDict[object_dn_name] = object_dn_element
+        # Add the complete object to ordered list
+        # (keyed by class_name for sorting)
+        # self.objectList.append((class_name + object_dn_name, object_element))
+        object_list_key = object_dn_name  # anything goes, it's not used...
+        if Options.sort:
+            object_list_key_list = [self.get_dn_sort_prefix(object_dn_name),
+                                    class_name, object_dn_name]
+            object_list_key = ''.join(object_list_key_list)
+            # objectListKey = self.get_dn_sort_prefix(objectDnName)+className
+            trace("Object sort order key: %s", object_list_key)
+        self.objectList.append((object_list_key,
+                                (other_nodes, object_element)))
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_dn_sort_prefix(object_dn_name):
+        """ Get dn sort prefix """
+        sort_key_list = ["A"]
         depth = 1
-        maxDepth = 10
-        # search for all unescaped comma (if any)
-        for i in range(0, len(objectDnName)):
-            if objectDnName[i] == ',':
-                if i > 1 and objectDnName[i-1] != '\\':
-                    sortKeyList.append(",A") 
-                    depth = depth +1
-        if depth >= maxDepth:
-            excStr = "Object reference depth is higher than expected (maximum 
%d)" % maxDepth
-            raise Exception(excStr)
-        for i in range(depth+1, maxDepth):
-           sortKeyList.append("  ") 
-        #sortKeyList.append("#")
-        key = ''.join(sortKeyList)
-        trace("getDnSortPrefix: %s", key)
+        max_depth = 10
+        # Search for all unescaped commas (if any)
+        for i in range(0, len(object_dn_name)):
+            if object_dn_name[i] == ',':
+                if i > 1 and object_dn_name[i - 1] != '\\':
+                    sort_key_list.append(",A")
+                    depth = depth + 1
+        if depth >= max_depth:
+            exc_str = "Object reference depth is higher than expected " \
+                      "(maximum %d)" % max_depth
+            raise Exception(exc_str)
+        for i in range(depth + 1, max_depth):
+            sort_key_list.append("  ")
+        # sort_key_list.append("#")
+        key = ''.join(sort_key_list)
+        trace("get_dn_sort_prefix: %s", key)
         return key
-    def checkClassClashAcceptable(self, classElement, className):
-        # previousClassValue = self.classDict.get(className)
-        # TODO deep verify class Element clash is acceptable or not ?????
-        if Options.ignoreVariants == False:
-            abort_script("failed to merge input files class with name:%s 
exists in multiple input files (use --ignore-variants to override)", className)
-        return True 
-    def checkObjectClashAcceptable(self, objectDn):
-        if Options.ignoreVariants == False:
-            abort_script("failed to merge input files object with dn :%s 
exists in multiple input files (use --ignore-variants to override)", objectDn)
-        return True   
-    def processInputfile(self, filename):
+    @staticmethod
+    def check_class_clash_acceptable(class_element, class_name):
+        """ Check if class clash is acceptable """
+        # previous_class_value = self.classDict.get(class_name)
+        # TODO deep verify class element clash is acceptable or not ?????
+        if not Options.ignoreVariants:
+            abort_script("Failed to merge input files class with name: %s "
+                         "exists in multiple input files "
+                         "(use --ignore-variants to override)", class_name)
+        return True
+    @staticmethod
+    def check_object_clash_acceptable(object_dn):
+        """ Check if object clash is acceptable """
+        if not Options.ignoreVariants:
+            abort_script("Failed to merge input files object with dn: %s "
+                         "exists in multiple input files "
+                         "(use --ignore-variants to override)", object_dn)
+        return True
+    def process_input_file(self, file_name):
+        """ Process input file """
-        trace("processInputfile in file:%s", filename)
-        if Options.isXmlLintFound and Options.schemaFilename != None:
-            if self.validateXmlFileWithSchema(filename, 
Options.schemaFilename) != 0:
-                abort_script("failed to validate input file %s:", filename)
+        trace("process_input_file in file: %s", file_name)
+        if Options.isXmlLintFound and Options.schemaFilename is not None:
+            if self.validate_xml_file_with_schema(file_name,
+                                                  Options.schemaFilename) != 0:
+                abort_script("Failed to validate input file %s:", file_name)
-            self.verifyInputXmlDocumentFileIsParsable(filename)
-        doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(filename)
-        #doc = self.openXmlDocumentFileAndCheckNamespace(filename)
-        if self.isResultDocInitialized == False:
-            self.initResultDocument(doc)
-        ## Fast forward to imm:contents element
+            self.verify_input_xml_document_file_is_parsable(file_name)
+        doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(file_name)
+        # doc = self.open_xml_document_file_and_check_namespace(file_name)
+        if not self.isResultDocInitialized:
+            self.init_result_document(doc)
+        # Fast forward to imm:contents element
         for element in doc.childNodes:
-            otherNodes = []
-            if (element.nodeName == self.imm_content_element_name):
-                for childElement in element.childNodes:
-                    trace("imm:contents loop..... Nodename:%s NodeValue%s", 
childElement.nodeName, childElement.nodeValue)
-                    if (childElement.nodeName == "class"):
-                        self.addClass(childElement, otherNodes)
-                        #for otherNode in :
-                        #    trace("OtherNode: %s", otherNode.toxml())
-                        otherNodes = []
-                    elif (childElement.nodeName == "object"):
-                        self.addObject(childElement, otherNodes)
-                        #for otherNode in otherNodes:
-                        #    trace("OtherNode: %s", otherNode.toxml())
-                        otherNodes = []
+            other_nodes = []
+            if element.nodeName == self.imm_content_element_name:
+                for child_element in element.childNodes:
+                    trace("imm:contents loop.....nodeName: %s nodeValue: %s",
+                          child_element.nodeName, child_element.nodeValue)
+                    if child_element.nodeName == "class":
+                        self.add_class(child_element, other_nodes)
+                        # for other_node in other_nodes:
+                        #    trace("otherNode: %s", other_node.toxml())
+                        other_nodes = []
+                    elif child_element.nodeName == "object":
+                        self.add_object(child_element, other_nodes)
+                        # for other_node in other_nodes:
+                        #    trace("otherNode: %s", other_node.toxml())
+                        other_nodes = []
                         # probably text nodes....ignore if whitespace only
-                        childElementStr = 
-                        #if len(childElementStr) > 1:
-                            #otherNodes.append(childElement)
-                        otherNodes.append(childElement)
+                        # child_element_str = \
+                        #     child_element.nodeValue.lstrip().rstrip()
+                        # if len(child_element_str) > 1:
+                        #     other_nodes.append(child_element)
+                        other_nodes.append(child_element)
         return 0
-    def saveResult(self):
+    def save_result(self):
+        """ Save merge result to file or print to stdout """
-        #if len(self.classList) < 1 and Options.grep_class != None:
-        #    exit_script("No classes matches pattern %s specified with 
--grep-class. No document is saved. Exiting!", Options.grep_class)
-        #if len(self.objectList) < 1 and Options.grep_dn != None:
-        #    exit_script("No objects matches pattern %s specified with 
--grep-dn. No document is saved. Exiting!", Options.grep_dn)
+        # if len(self.classList) < 1 and Options.grep_class is not None:
+        #     exit_script("No class matches pattern %s specified with
+        # --grep-class. No document is saved. Exiting!", Options.grep_class)
-        # Use a temp file when output file is not specified. When this script 
finishes it prints the file to stdout
-        # and removes the file 
+        # if len(self.objectList) < 1 and Options.grep_dn is not None:
+        #     exit_script("No object matches pattern %s specified with
+        # --grep-dn. No document is saved. Exiting!", Options.grep_dn)
+        # Use a temp file when output file is not specified.
+        # When this script finishes it prints the file to stdout and removes
+        # the file
         if Options.stdout:
             Options.outputFilename = "/tmp/merge_result.xml"
-        if Options.sort == True:
-            trace("sorting the classes & objects in resulting xml document")
+        if Options.sort:
+            trace("Sorting the classes & objects in resulting xml document")
-        trace("Number of classes in resulting xml document:%d", 
-        # iterate over all objects again to validate again when all objects 
are parsed from inputfiles
-        #if Options.disableParentDnValidation==False:
-        #    self.postValidateObjectList()
-        #### I think there should not be imm validation functionality in merge 
tool (use validate_immfile instead)
-        print_info_stderr("encoding in first source xml document:%s", 
-        tmpOutputFilename = Options.outputFilename+".tmp"
-        file_object = open(tmpOutputFilename, "w")
-        if self.firstSourceDoc.encoding is not None and \
-           self.firstSourceDoc.encoding.lower() == "utf-8":
-           encoding = "utf-8"
-           heading = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"
+        trace("Number of classes in resulting xml document: %d",
+              len(self.classList))
+        # Iterate over all objects again to validate again when all objects are
+        # parsed from input files
+        # if not Options.disableParentDnValidation:
+        #     self.postValidateObjectList()
+        # I think there should not be imm validation functionality in merge
+        # tool (use validate_immfile instead)
+        print_info_stderr("encoding in first source xml document: %s",
+                          self.firstSourceDoc.encoding)
+        tmp_output_file_name = Options.outputFilename+".tmp"
+        file_object = open(tmp_output_file_name, "w")
+        if self.firstSourceDoc.encoding is not None \
+                and self.firstSourceDoc.encoding.lower() == "utf-8":
+            encoding = "utf-8"
+            heading = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"
-           encoding = None
-           heading = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+            encoding = None
+            heading = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+        file_object.write(
+            self.imm_content_element.toxml(encoding).replace("/>", ">")+"\n")
         for class_element_tuple in self.classList:
-            if (Options.keepCommentElements):
+            if Options.keepCommentElements:
                 for textNode in class_element_tuple[1][0]:
-                    file_object.write(textNode.toxml(encoding)+"\n")
-            file_object.write(class_element_tuple[1][1].toxml(encoding)+"\n")
+                    file_object.write(textNode.toxml(encoding) + "\n")
+            file_object.write(class_element_tuple[1][1].toxml(encoding) + "\n")
         for object_element_tuple in self.objectList:
-            if (Options.keepCommentElements):
+            if Options.keepCommentElements:
                 for textNode in object_element_tuple[1][0]:
-                    file_object.write(textNode.toxml(encoding)+"\n")
-            file_object.write(object_element_tuple[1][1].toxml(encoding)+"\n")
+                    file_object.write(textNode.toxml(encoding) + "\n")
+            file_object.write(
+                object_element_tuple[1][1].toxml(encoding) + "\n")
-        trace("Stored resulting xml document in tmp file: %s", 
+        trace("Stored resulting xml document in tmp file: %s",
+              tmp_output_file_name)
         if Options.isXmlLintFound:
-            #command = "/bin/sh -c 'XMLLINT_INDENT=\"    \" ; export 
XMLLINT_INDENT; /usr/bin/xmllint --format "+tmpOutputFilename+" --output 
"+Options.outputFilename +"'"
-            if self.formatXmlFileWithXmlLint(tmpOutputFilename, 
Options.outputFilename) != 0:
-                abort_script("failed to validate input file %s:", 
-            trace("delete the tmp file: %s", tmpOutputFilename)
-            os.remove(tmpOutputFilename) 
+            # command = "/bin/sh -c 'XMLLINT_INDENT=\"    \";
+            # export XMLLINT_INDENT; /usr/bin/xmllint --format " +
+            # tmp_output_file_name + " --output " + Options.outputFilename +
+            # "'"
+            if self.format_xml_file_with_xmllint(tmp_output_file_name,
+                                                 Options.outputFilename) != 0:
+                abort_script("Failed to validate input file: %s",
+                             tmp_output_file_name)
+            trace("Delete the tmp file: %s", tmp_output_file_name)
+            os.remove(tmp_output_file_name)
-            # at least we should move file to its real name
-            trace("shutil.move(%s, %s)", tmpOutputFilename, 
-            shutil.move(tmpOutputFilename, Options.outputFilename) 
+            # At least we should move the file to its real name
+            trace("shutil.move(%s, %s)", tmp_output_file_name,
+                  Options.outputFilename)
+            shutil.move(tmp_output_file_name, Options.outputFilename)
+        trace("Number of classes parsed: %d stored: %d", self.classes_parsed,
+              len(self.classList))
+        trace("Number of objects parsed: %d stored: %d", self.objects_parsed,
+              len(self.objectList))
+        diff_classes = self.classes_parsed - len(self.classList)
+        diff_objects = self.objects_parsed - len(self.objectList)
+        print_info_stderr("Note! Merge ignored %d classes "
+                          "(parsed: %d stored: %d)", diff_classes,
+                          self.classes_parsed, len(self.classList))
+        print_info_stderr("Note! Merge ignored %d objects "
+                          "(parsed: %d stored: %d)", diff_objects,
+                          self.objects_parsed, len(self.objectList))
+        trace("Stored formatted xml document in file: %s",
+              Options.outputFilename)
+        if Options.isXmlLintFound and Options.schemaFilename is not None:
+            self.validate_xml_file_with_schema(Options.outputFilename,
+                                               Options.schemaFilename)
+        if Options.stdout:
+            self.print_to_stdout_and_remove_tmp_file(Options.outputFilename)
-        trace("Number of classes parsed:%d stored:%d", self.classes_parsed, 
-        trace("Number of objects parsed:%d stored:%d", self.objects_parsed, 
+# End of MergedImmDocument class
-        diff_classes = self.classes_parsed-len(self.classList)
-        diff_objects = self.objects_parsed-len(self.objectList)
-        print_info_stderr("Note! Merge ignored %d classes (parsed:%d 
stored:%d)", diff_classes, self.classes_parsed, len(self.classList) )
-        print_info_stderr("Note! Merge ignored %d objects (parsed:%d 
stored:%d)", diff_objects, self.objects_parsed, len(self.objectList) )
-        trace("Stored formatted xml document in file: %s", 
-        if Options.isXmlLintFound and Options.schemaFilename != None:
-            self.validateXmlFileWithSchema(Options.outputFilename, 
+def print_usage():
+    """ Print usage of immxml-merge tool """
+    print ("usage: immxml-merge [options] filename[s]")
+    print ("""
+    -o, --output            specified output file
+                            (If option is omitted stdout is used)
-        if Options.stdout:
-            self.printToStdoutAndRemoveTmpFile(Options.outputFilename)
-#### end of class ResultImmDocument
-def printUsage():
-  print "usage: immxml-merge [options] filename[s]"
-  print """
-  -o, --output            specified outputfile 
-                          (if option is omitted stdout is used)
-  --grep-class PATTERN    pattern match the class names in source file(s)
-                          (This option also sets disableParentDnValidation)
-                          At end of processing a summary of processed/ignored
-                          classes/objects is listed.
-  --grep-v-class PATTERN  negated pattern matching. Similar to "grep -v 
-  --grep-dn PATTERN       pattern match the object dn names in source file(s)
-                          (This option also sets disableParentDnValidation)
-                          At end of processing a summary of processed/ignored
-                          classes/objects is listed.
-  --grep-v-dn PATTERN     negated pattern matching. Similar to "grep -v 
-  --ignore-variants       when merge tool finds several definitions of same 
-                          class or object the default behaviour is to abort the
-                          merge processing and print out which class/object is 
-                          duplicated. With this option it is possible to
-                          continue merge, keeping the first instance of a 
-                          or object definition and ignore the other.
-                          At end of processing a summary of processed/ignored
-                          classes/objects is listed.
-  --ignore-missing-class  do not require class definitions referred by an 
-                          to exist in source file(s) (Is required by default)
-  --keepCommentElements   keep embedded comment elements
-                          (experimental support: associates comment elements 
-                           with subsequent class or object element which may 
-                           correct association....)
-  --schema                validate inputfiles and output(file) with the 
-                          xsd schema file
-  -s, --sort              sort the merged class and object names
-  -t, --trace             print trace information to stderr
-  -v, --version           print version information and exit
-  -h, --help              display this help and exit
-   See for information and updates.
-def printVersion():
-  print "immxml-merge version 0.5.1"
-def main(argv):    
+    --grep-class PATTERN    pattern match the class names in source file(s)
+                            (This option also sets disableParentDnValidation)
+                            At end of processing a summary of processed/ignored
+                            classes/objects is listed.
+    --grep-v-class PATTERN  negated pattern matching
+                            Similar to "grep -v PATTERN"
+    --grep-dn PATTERN       pattern match the object dn names in source file(s)
+                            (This option also sets disableParentDnValidation)
+                            At end of processing a summary of processed/ignored
+                            classes/objects is listed.
+    --grep-v-dn PATTERN     negated pattern matching
+                            Similar to "grep -v PATTERN"
+    --ignore-variants       when merge tool finds several definitions of same
+                            class or object the default behaviour is to abort
+                            the merge processing and print out which
+                            class/object is duplicated. With this option it is
+                            possible to continue merge, keeping the first
+                            instance of a class or object definition and ignore
+                            the other. At end of processing a summary of
+                            processed/ignored classes/objects is listed.
+    --ignore-missing-class  do not require class definitions referred by an
+                            object to exist in source file(s)
+                            (Is required by default)
+    --keepCommentElements   keep embedded comment elements
+                            (experimental support: associates comment elements
+                            with subsequent class or object element which may
+                            be correct association....)
+    --schema                validate input files and output(file) with the
+                            supplied xsd schema file
+    -s, --sort              sort the merged class and object names
+    -t, --trace             print trace information to stderr
+    -v, --version           print version information and exit
+    -h, --help              display this help and exit
+    See for information and updates.
+    """)
+def print_version():
+    """ Print version of immxml-merge tool """
+    print ("immxml-merge version 0.5.1")
+def main(argv):
+    """ Main program """
-        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "thvso:", ["trace", 
"keep-comment-elements", "ignore-variants", "ignore-missing-class", "help", 
"version", "sort", "grep-class=", "grep-v-class=", "grep-dn=", "grep-v-dn=", 
"output=", "schema="])
-    except getopt.GetoptError, err:
-        # print help information and exit:
+        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "thvso:",
+                                   ["trace", "keep-comment-elements",
+                                    "ignore-variants", "ignore-missing-class",
+                                    "help", "version", "sort", "grep-class=",
+                                    "grep-v-class=", "grep-dn=", "grep-v-dn=",
+                                    "output=", "schema="])
+    except getopt.GetoptError as err:
+        # Print help information and exit:
         print_info_stderr("%s", str(err))
-        printUsage()
+        print_usage()
-    foundGrep_dn = False
-    foundGrep_class = False
-    for o, v in opts:
-        if o in ["-t", "--trace"]:
+    found_grep_dn = False
+    found_grep_class = False
+    for opt, value in opts:
+        if opt in ["-t", "--trace"]:
             BaseOptions.traceOn = True
-        if o in ["--keep-comment-elements"]:
+        if opt == "--keep-comment-elements":
             Options.keepCommentElements = True
-        if o in ["--ignore-variants"]:
+        if opt == "--ignore-variants":
             Options.ignoreVariants = True
-        if o in ["--ignore-missing-class"]:
-               Options.ignoreMissingClass = True
-        if o in ["--grep-class"]:
-            if foundGrep_class:
-                abort_script("Only one --grep-v-class or --grep-class option 
may be specified")
-            foundGrep_class = True
-            Options.grep_class = v
-            Options.disableParentDnValidation = True            
-        if o in ["--grep-v-class"]:
-            if foundGrep_class:
-                abort_script("Only one --grep-v-class or --grep-class option 
may be specified")
-            foundGrep_class = True
+        if opt == "--ignore-missing-class":
+            Options.ignoreMissingClass = True
+        if opt == "--grep-class":
+            if found_grep_class:
+                abort_script("Only one --grep-v-class or --grep-class option "
+                             "may be specified")
+            found_grep_class = True
+            Options.grep_class = value
+            Options.disableParentDnValidation = True
+        if opt == "--grep-v-class":
+            if found_grep_class:
+                abort_script("Only one --grep-v-class or --grep-class option "
+                             "may be specified")
+            found_grep_class = True
             Options.negateGrep_class = True
-            Options.grep_class = v
-            Options.disableParentDnValidation = True            
-        if o in ["--grep-v-dn"]:
-            if foundGrep_dn:
-                abort_script("Only one --grep-v-dn or --grep-dn option may be 
-            foundGrep_dn = True
+            Options.grep_class = value
+            Options.disableParentDnValidation = True
+        if opt == "--grep-v-dn":
+            if found_grep_dn:
+                abort_script("Only one --grep-v-dn or --grep-dn option may be "
+                             "specified")
+            found_grep_dn = True
             Options.negateGrep_dn = True
-            Options.grep_dn = v
-            Options.disableParentDnValidation = True            
-        if o in ["--grep-dn"]:
-            if foundGrep_dn:
-                abort_script("Only one --grep-v-dn or --grep-dn option may be 
-            foundGrep_dn = True
-            Options.grep_dn = v
-            Options.disableParentDnValidation = True            
-        if o in ("-o", "--output"):
+            Options.grep_dn = value
+            Options.disableParentDnValidation = True
+        if opt == "--grep-dn":
+            if found_grep_dn:
+                abort_script("Only one --grep-v-dn or --grep-dn option may be "
+                             "specified")
+            found_grep_dn = True
+            Options.grep_dn = value
+            Options.disableParentDnValidation = True
+        if opt in ["-o", "--output"]:
             Options.stdout = False
-            Options.outputFilename = v
-        if o in ("--schema"):
-            Options.schemaFilename = v
-        if o in ["-s", "--sort"]:
+            Options.outputFilename = value
+        if opt == "--schema":
+            Options.schemaFilename = value
+        if opt in ["-s", "--sort"]:
             Options.sort = True
-        if o in ["-v", "--version"]:
-            printVersion()
+        if opt in ["-v", "--version"]:
+            print_version()
-        elif o in ["-h", "--help"]:
-            printUsage()
+        elif opt in ["-h", "--help"]:
+            print_usage()
-    # cannot trace these until -t, Options.traceOn is effective (or not)
-    trace("opts:%s", opts)
-    trace("args:%s", args)
-    trace("sys.path:%s", sys.path)
-    if len(args) == 0:
-        # print "Stdin processing not yet supported! (if ever!)"
-        printUsage()
+    # Cannot trace these until -t, Options.traceOn is effective (or not)
+    trace("opts: %s", opts)
+    trace("args: %s", args)
+    trace("sys.path: %s", sys.path)
+    if not args:
+        # print ("stdin processing not yet supported! (if ever!)")
+        print_usage()
-    trace("Option object: \n %s", Options.printOptionSettings())
-    if os.path.exists('/usr/bin/xmllint') == False:
-        if (Options.schemaFilename == None ):
-            # It is possible to continue without xmllint (limited w.r.t 
+    trace("Option object:\n %s", Options.print_option_settings())
+    if not os.path.exists('/usr/bin/xmllint'):
+        if Options.schemaFilename is None:
+            # It is possible to continue without xmllint
+            # (limited w.r.t formatting)
-            print_info_stderr("Cannot find the linux command /usr/bin/xmllint 
which is required for formatting!")
-            print_info_stderr("Script continues but the result file may for 
example lack linefeed characters.")
+            print_info_stderr("Cannot find the linux command /usr/bin/xmllint "
+                              "which is required for formatting!")
+            print_info_stderr("Script continues but the result file may for "
+                              "example lack linefeed characters.")
             Options.isXmlLintFound = False
-            abort_script("Cannot find the required linux command 
/usr/bin/xmllint. --schema option requires xmllint, Exiting!")
-    fileList = retrieveFilenames(args)
-    trace("starting to process files::\n")
-    ## Create an Object to store classes and objects during process of input 
-    mergedDoc = MergedImmDocument()
-    mergedDoc.initialize();
-    for fileName in fileList:
-        verifyInputFileReadAcess(fileName)
-        mergedDoc.processInputfile(fileName)
-        trace("Done with file:%s", fileName)
-    ## store the resulting document with collected class and objects elements
-    mergedDoc.saveResult()
-    print_info_stderr("{0} Successfully merged input 
files!".format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3]))
-    return 0
+            abort_script("Cannot find the required linux command "
+                         "/usr/bin/xmllint. --schema option requires xmllint, "
+                         "Exiting!")
+    file_list = retrieve_file_names(args)
+    trace("Starting to process files::\n")
+    # Create an Object to store classes and objects during process of
+    # input files
+    merged_doc = MergedImmDocument()
+    merged_doc.initialize()
+    for file_name in file_list:
+        verify_input_file_read_access(file_name)
+        merged_doc.process_input_file(file_name)
+        trace("Done with file: %s", file_name)
+    # Store the resulting document with collected class and object elements
+    merged_doc.save_result()
+    print_info_stderr("{0} Successfully merged input files!".format(
+'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3]))
+    return 0
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/src/imm/tools/immxml-validate b/src/imm/tools/immxml-validate
index 89ce54e..e36ece0 100755
--- a/src/imm/tools/immxml-validate
+++ b/src/imm/tools/immxml-validate
@@ -1,50 +1,58 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
-      -*- OpenSAF  -*-
- (C) Copyright 2009 The OpenSAF Foundation
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This file and program are licensed
- under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1, February 1999.
- The complete license can be accessed from the following location:
- See the Copying file included with the OpenSAF distribution for full
- licensing terms.
- Author(s): Ericsson AB
-import re, os, sys, getopt, shutil
-from baseimm import *           # Base class and functions for Merge and 
validation utils
+#      -*- OpenSAF  -*-
+# (C) Copyright 2009 The OpenSAF Foundation
+# (C) Copyright Ericsson AB 2017. All rights reserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This file and program are licensed
+# under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1, February 1999.
+# The complete license can be accessed from the following location:
+# See the Copying file included with the OpenSAF distribution for full
+# licensing terms.
+# Author(s): Ericsson AB
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name,unused-argument
+""" immxml-validate tool """
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import sys
+import getopt
 import xml.dom.minidom
-from subprocess import call
+from baseimm import BaseOptions, BaseImmDocument, trace, retrieve_file_names, \
+    print_info_stderr, abort_script, verify_input_file_read_access
 class Options(BaseOptions):
-    #traceOn = False
+    """ immxml-validate options """
     schemaFilename = None
     isXmlLintFound = True
     ignoreAttributeRefs = False
     ignoreRdnAssociationRefs = False
-    def printOptionSettings():
-        return BaseOptions.printOptionSettings()+' schemaFilename: %s\n' % 
+    def print_option_settings():
+        return BaseOptions.print_option_settings() + ' schemaFilename: %s\n' \
+                                                     % Options.schemaFilename
 class AbortFileException(Exception):
+    """ Exception to raise when aborting file """
     def __init__(self, value):
+        Exception.__init__(self)
         self.value = value
     def __str__(self):
-        return repr(self.value)             
+        return repr(self.value)
 class ImmDocument(BaseImmDocument):
+    """ This class contains methods to validate an IMM XML file """
     def __init__(self):
+        """ Class constructor """
         self.imm_content_element = None
         self.classList = []
         self.classDict = {}
@@ -52,406 +60,464 @@ class ImmDocument(BaseImmDocument):
         self.objectDnNameDict = {}
         self.validateFailed = False
-    def initialize(self):
+    @staticmethod
+    def initialize():
+        """ Initialize the validation process """
-    def addClass(self, classElement, otherNodes):
-        className = classElement.getAttribute("name")
-        trace("className: %s nodeType:%d nodeName:%s", className, 
classElement.nodeType, classElement.nodeName)
-        # check if class exist in dictionary map
-        if className in self.classDict:
-            # check if class clash is "acceptable"
+    @staticmethod
+    def check_class_clash_acceptable(class_element, class_name):
+        """ Check if class clash is acceptable. TBD """
+        pass
+    def add_class(self, class_element, other_nodes):
+        """ Add class to the list of classes to validate """
+        class_name = class_element.getAttribute("name")
+        trace("className: %s nodeType: %d nodeName: %s", class_name,
+              class_element.nodeType, class_element.nodeName)
+        # Check if class exists in dictionary map
+        if class_name in self.classDict:
+            # Check if class clash is "acceptable"
             # i.e. should we bail out or not??
-            if self.checkClassClashAcceptable(classElement, className):
-                self.validate_failed("found duplicate class : %s", className)
+            if self.check_class_clash_acceptable(class_element, class_name):
+                self.validate_failed("Found duplicate class : %s", class_name)
-            attrlist = []
-            attributeDict = {}
-            rdnType = None
-            for attribute in classElement.childNodes:
-                attrname = None
-                attrtype = None
+            attr_list = []
+            attribute_dict = {}
+            rdn_type = None
+            for attribute in class_element.childNodes:
+                attr_name = None
+                attr_type = None
                 if attribute.nodeName == "rdn":
                     for element in attribute.childNodes:
                         if element.nodeName == "type":
-                            rdnType = element.firstChild.nodeValue             
+                            rdn_type = element.firstChild.nodeValue
                 elif attribute.nodeName == "attr":
                     for element in attribute.childNodes:
                         if element.nodeName == "name":
-                           attrname = element.firstChild.nodeValue
-                           if attrname in attrlist:
-                               raise Exception("Attribute '%s' is defined more 
than once in class '%s'" % (attrname, className))
-                           attrlist.append(attrname);
-                        elif element.nodeName == "type": 
-                           attrtype = element.firstChild.nodeValue
-                        if attrname != None and attrtype != None:
-                            attributeDict[attrname] = attrtype
+                            attr_name = element.firstChild.nodeValue
+                            if attr_name in attr_list:
+                                raise Exception("Attribute '%s' is defined "
+                                                "more than once in class '%s'"
+                                                % (attr_name, class_name))
+                            attr_list.append(attr_name)
+                        elif element.nodeName == "type":
+                            attr_type = element.firstChild.nodeValue
+                        if attr_name is not None and attr_type is not None:
+                            attribute_dict[attr_name] = attr_type
-            del attrlist
-            classDefDict = {}
-            self.classDict[className] = classDefDict
-            self.classDict[className]["attributes"] = attributeDict
-            self.classDict[className]["rdn"] = rdnType
-            # add to ordered list
-            self.classList.append((className, (otherNodes, classElement)))
-    def addObject(self, objectElement, otherNodes):
-        className = objectElement.getAttribute("class")
-        trace("DUMPING Object with className: %s \n %s", className, 
-        attrList = []
-        objectDnElement = None
-        ## find "dn" childnode
-        for childNode in objectElement.childNodes:
-            if childNode.nodeName == "dn" and objectDnElement == None:
-                objectDnElement = childNode
-            elif childNode.nodeName == "attr":
-                for attrChild in childNode.childNodes:
-                    if attrChild.nodeName == "name":
-                        if attrChild.firstChild.nodeValue in attrList:
-                            raise Exception("Attribute '%s' is defined more 
than once in object" % (attrChild.firstChild.nodeValue))
-                        attrList.append(attrChild.firstChild.nodeValue)
-        del attrList
-        if objectDnElement == None or className == None or 
objectDnElement.firstChild == None:
-            self.validate_failed("Failed to find classname or the dn childnode 
in object:%s. " ,objectElement.toxml())
-        # objectDnName = objectDnElement.nodeValue
-        ### NOTE dn name should be the nodeValue of objectDnName...
-        ## however minidom probably gets confused by the equal sign in dn value
-        # so it ends up adding a text node as a child......   
-        objectDnName = objectDnElement.firstChild.nodeValue
-        trace("objectDn key: %s", objectDnName)
-        trace("objectDnElement: %s", objectDnElement.toxml())
-        # classname must exist in dictionary map
-        if className not in self.classDict:
-            self.validate_failed("failed to find class '%s' in %s", className, 
-        if objectDnName in self.objectDnNameDict:
-            self.validate_failed("found duplicate object : %s", 
-        self.validateAndStoreDn(objectDnName, objectDnElement, className)
-        # add to the complete object to ordered list (keyed by classname for 
-        #self.objectList.append((className+objectDnName, objectElement))
-        self.objectList.append((objectDnName, (otherNodes, objectElement)))
-    def validateAndStoreDn(self, objectDnName, objectDnElement, className):    
-        commaIndex = -1
-        dnLen = len(objectDnName)
-        if dnLen > 256:
-            self.validate_failed("length of dn is %d (max 256): %s", 
len(objectDnName), objectDnName)
-        # search for first unescaped comma (if any)
-        for i in range(0, dnLen):
-            if objectDnName[i] == ',':
-                if i > 1 and objectDnName[i-1] != '\\':
-                    commaIndex = i
+            del attr_list
+            class_def_dict = {}
+            self.classDict[class_name] = class_def_dict
+            self.classDict[class_name]["attributes"] = attribute_dict
+            self.classDict[class_name]["rdn"] = rdn_type
+            # Add to ordered list
+            self.classList.append((class_name, (other_nodes, class_element)))
+    def add_object(self, object_element, other_nodes):
+        """ Add object to the list of objects to validate """
+        class_name = object_element.getAttribute("class")
+        trace("DUMPING Object with className: %s\n %s", class_name,
+              object_element.toxml())
+        attr_list = []
+        object_dn_element = None
+        # Find "dn" child node
+        for child_node in object_element.childNodes:
+            if child_node.nodeName == "dn" and object_dn_element is None:
+                object_dn_element = child_node
+            elif child_node.nodeName == "attr":
+                for attr_child in child_node.childNodes:
+                    if attr_child.nodeName == "name":
+                        if attr_child.firstChild.nodeValue in attr_list:
+                            raise Exception("Attribute '%s' is defined more "
+                                            "than once in object" %
+                                            attr_child.firstChild.nodeValue)
+                        attr_list.append(attr_child.firstChild.nodeValue)
+        del attr_list
+        if object_dn_element is None or class_name is None \
+                or object_dn_element.firstChild is None:
+            self.validate_failed("Failed to find class name or the dn child "
+                                 "node in object: %s. ",
+                                 object_element.toxml())
+        # object_dn_name = object_dn_element.nodeValue
+        # NOTE: dn name should be the nodeValue of object_dn_name
+        # However minidom probably gets confused by the equal sign in dn value
+        # so it ends up adding a text node as a child.
+        object_dn_name = object_dn_element.firstChild.nodeValue
+        trace("objectDn key: %s", object_dn_name)
+        trace("objectDnElement: %s", object_dn_element.toxml())
+        # class_name must exist in dictionary map
+        if class_name not in self.classDict:
+            self.validate_failed("Failed to find class '%s' in %s",
+                                 class_name, object_element.toxml())
+        if object_dn_name in self.objectDnNameDict:
+            self.validate_failed("Found duplicate object: %s",
+                                 object_element.toxml())
+        self.validate_and_store_dn(object_dn_name, object_dn_element,
+                                   class_name)
+        # Add the complete object to ordered list
+        # (keyed by class_name for sorting)
+        # self.objectList.append((class_name + object_dn_name, object_element))
+        self.objectList.append((object_dn_name, (other_nodes, object_element)))
+    def validate_and_store_dn(self, object_dn_name, object_dn_element,
+                              class_name):
+        """ Validate and store object's dn """
+        comma_index = -1
+        dn_len = len(object_dn_name)
+        if dn_len > 256:
+            self.validate_failed("Length of dn is %d (max 256): %s", dn_len,
+                                 object_dn_name)
+        # Search for first unescaped comma (if any)
+        for i in range(0, dn_len):
+            if object_dn_name[i] == ',':
+                if i > 1 and object_dn_name[i - 1] != '\\':
+                    comma_index = i
-        if commaIndex == -1:
-            trace("Found root element (no unescaped commas): %s", objectDnName)
+        if comma_index == -1:
+            trace("Found root element (no unescaped commas): %s",
+                  object_dn_name)
             # Looks alright, add element to "dn" dictionary
-            self.objectDnNameDict[objectDnName] = objectDnElement
+            self.objectDnNameDict[object_dn_name] = object_dn_element
-        objectOwnerPart = objectDnName[commaIndex+1:] 
-        objectIdPart = objectDnName[:commaIndex]
-        trace("ObjectDN: %s objectOwner: %s objectIdPart:%s", objectDnName, 
objectOwnerPart, objectIdPart)
-        # store all dn's even if it is SA_NAME_T 
-        # this means even the association references is stored as objects 
which could be parents
-        # move length checking (64 bytes) to postValidate... 
-        self.objectDnNameDict[objectDnName] = objectDnElement    
+        object_owner_part = object_dn_name[comma_index + 1:]
+        object_id_part = object_dn_name[:comma_index]
+        trace("ObjectDN: %s objectOwner: %s objectIdPart: %s", object_dn_name,
+              object_owner_part, object_id_part)
+        # Store all dn's even if it is SA_NAME_T
+        # This means even the association references are stored as objects
+        # which could be parents
+        # move length checking (64 bytes) to post_validate()
+        self.objectDnNameDict[object_dn_name] = object_dn_element
         # NOTE for some imm.xml file (for example as result of immdump tool)
-        # the object dn's are not ordered in a way that it is possible to 
validate ownership
-        # while parsing the inputfiles.
-        # Instead it must be performed after the input files are completely 
+        # the object dn's are not ordered in a way that it is possible to
+        # validate ownership while parsing the input files. Instead it must be
+        # performed after the input files are completely parsed.
         # validate(): Do this type of IMM validation in one go afterwards
-        return            
+        return
     def validate_failed(self, *args):
+        """ Print validation failed message to stderr and
+        set validateFailed flag """
         printf_args = []
         for i in range(1, len(args)):
-        formatStr = "\nValidation failed: " + args[0]
-        print >> sys.stderr, formatStr % tuple(printf_args)
-        #sys.exit(2)
-        # no more exit, set failedFlag True
+        format_str = "\nValidation failed: " + args[0]
+        print (format_str % tuple(printf_args), file=sys.stderr)
+        # sys.exit(2)
+        # no more exit, set failedFlag to True
         self.validateFailed = True
     def abort_file(self, *args):
+        """ Abort file validation and raise exception """
         raise AbortFileException("Aborting current file!")
-    def postValidateObjectList(self):
-        for tupleNode in self.objectList:
-            objectElement = tupleNode[1][1]
-            className = objectElement.getAttribute("class")
-            objectDnElement = None
-            ## find "dn" childnode
-            for childNode in objectElement.childNodes:
-                if childNode.nodeName == "dn":
-                    objectDnElement = childNode
-                    if objectDnElement.firstChild == None:
-                        # this is really a workaround for minidom bug?: assume 
dn name should be the nodeValue of objectDnName but with minidom that is not 
-                        raise Exception("Cannot find child element of dn 
element (required by minidom)")
-                    objectDnName = objectDnElement.firstChild.nodeValue
-                    trace("objectDnElement: %s", objectDnElement.toxml())
-                    trace("objectDn key: %s", objectDnName)
-                    # validate dn w.r.t ownership
-                    self.postValidateDn(objectDnName, objectDnElement, 
-                    #break
-                elif childNode.nodeName == "attr":
-                    nameOfAttributeToValidate = None
-                    for element in childNode.childNodes:
+    def post_validate_object_list(self):
+        """ Post-validate object list """
+        for tuple_node in self.objectList:
+            object_element = tuple_node[1][1]
+            class_name = object_element.getAttribute("class")
+            attributes = self.classDict[class_name]["attributes"]
+            object_dn_element = None
+            # Find "dn" child node
+            for child_node in object_element.childNodes:
+                if child_node.nodeName == "dn":
+                    object_dn_element = child_node
+                    if object_dn_element.firstChild is None:
+                        # This is really a workaround for minidom bug?:
+                        # Assume dn name should be the nodeValue of
+                        # object_dn_name but with minidom that is not true.
+                        raise Exception("Cannot find child element of dn "
+                                        "element (required by minidom)")
+                    object_dn_name = object_dn_element.firstChild.nodeValue
+                    trace("objectDnElement: %s", object_dn_element.toxml())
+                    trace("objectDn key: %s", object_dn_name)
+                    # Validate dn w.r.t ownership
+                    self.post_validate_dn(object_dn_name, object_dn_element,
+                                          class_name)
+                    # break
+                elif child_node.nodeName == "attr":
+                    name_of_attribute_to_validate = None
+                    for element in child_node.childNodes:
                         if element.nodeName == "name":
-                            attrname = element.firstChild.nodeValue
-                            if attrname in 
-                                if 
self.classDict[className]["attributes"][attrname] == "SA_NAME_T":
-                                    nameOfAttributeToValidate = attrname
+                            attr_name = element.firstChild.nodeValue
+                            if attr_name in attributes:
+                                if attributes[attr_name] == "SA_NAME_T":
+                                    name_of_attribute_to_validate = attr_name
-                                    # attribute exist in classDict but type is 
not further validated 
+                                    # Attribute exists in classDict but type is
+                                    # not further validated
-                                self.postValidateMissingAttribute(attrname, 
className, objectDnElement)
-                        elif element.nodeName == "value": 
-                           nodeValue = element.firstChild.nodeValue
self.postValidateAttributeSaNameT(nameOfAttributeToValidate, nodeValue, 
className, objectDnElement)
-                           # multiple values break
-        trace("postValidateObjectList() complete!")
-    def postValidateAttributeSaNameT(self, attributeName, attributeValue, 
className, objectElement):
-        if Options.ignoreAttributeRefs == True:
+                                self.post_validate_missing_attribute(
+                                    attr_name, class_name, object_dn_element)
+                        elif element.nodeName == "value":
+                            node_value = element.firstChild.nodeValue
+                            self.post_validate_attribute_sa_name_t(
+                                name_of_attribute_to_validate, node_value,
+                                class_name, object_dn_element)
+                            # Multiple values break
+        trace("post_validate_object_list() complete!")
+    def post_validate_attribute_sa_name_t(self, attribute_name,
+                                          attribute_value, class_name,
+                                          object_element):
+        """ Post-validate SaNameT attribute """
+        if Options.ignoreAttributeRefs:
-        if attributeValue not in self.objectDnNameDict:
-            self.validate_failed("NOTE:  The object with rdn '%s' referred in 
attribute %s does not exist (The attribute is element in object with class: %s 
dn: %s)", attributeValue, attributeName, className, objectElement.toxml())
-    def postValidateMissingAttribute(self, attributeName, className, 
-            self.validate_failed("NOTE:  The attribute %s does not exist in 
class definition (The attribute is element in object with class: %s dn: %s)", 
attributeName, className, objectElement.toxml())
-    def postValidateDn(self, objectDnName, objectDnElement, className):        
-        commaIndex = -1            
-        dnLen = len(objectDnName)
-        # search for first unescaped comma (if any)
-        for i in range(0, dnLen):
-            if objectDnName[i] == ',':
-                if i > 1 and objectDnName[i-1] != '\\':
-                    commaIndex = i
+        if attribute_value not in self.objectDnNameDict:
+            self.validate_failed("NOTE: The object with rdn '%s' referred in "
+                                 "attribute %s does not exist (The attribute "
+                                 "is element in object with class: %s dn: %s)",
+                                 attribute_value, attribute_name, class_name,
+                                 object_element.toxml())
+    def post_validate_missing_attribute(self, attribute_name, class_name,
+                                        object_element):
+        """ Post-validate missing attribute """
+        self.validate_failed("NOTE: The attribute %s does not exist in class "
+                             "definition (The attribute is element in object "
+                             "with class: %s dn: %s)", attribute_name,
+                             class_name, object_element.toxml())
+    def post_validate_dn(self, object_dn_name, object_dn_element, class_name):
+        """ Post-validate dn """
+        comma_index = -1
+        dn_len = len(object_dn_name)
+        # Search for first unescaped comma (if any)
+        for i in range(0, dn_len):
+            if object_dn_name[i] == ',':
+                if i > 1 and object_dn_name[i - 1] != '\\':
+                    comma_index = i
-        if commaIndex == -1:
-            trace("Found root element (no unescaped commas): %s", objectDnName)
-            return
-        objectOwnerPart = objectDnName[commaIndex+1:] 
-        objectPart = objectDnName[:commaIndex]
-        trace("ObjectDN: %s objectOwner: %s objectPart:%s", objectDnName, 
objectOwnerPart, objectPart)
-        # owner should exist for both SA_NAME_T and SA_STRING_T
-        if objectOwnerPart not in self.objectDnNameDict:
-            print_info_stderr("validate Dn in %s", objectDnElement.toxml())
-            self.validate_failed("Parent to %s is not found %s", objectDnName, 
-        trace("postValidateDn() OK parentPart %s found in objectDnNameDict", 
-        # But in case dn is a SA_NAME_T also the objectIdPart 
-        # should exist in dictionary....
-        if self.classDict[className]["rdn"] == "SA_NAME_T":
-            # find value of association (remove association name)
-            equalSignIndex = objectPart.find("=")
-            objectName = objectPart[:equalSignIndex]
-            objectValue = objectPart[equalSignIndex+1:]
-            objectValueEqualSignIndex = objectValue.find("=")
-            # x=y vs x=y=z
-            if objectValueEqualSignIndex != -1:
-                if Options.ignoreRdnAssociationRefs == False: 
-                    associationValue = objectValue
-                    # remove escaping
-                    unescapedDN = associationValue.replace('\\','')
-                    if unescapedDN not in self.objectDnNameDict:
-                        print_info_stderr("validate Dn in %s", 
-                        self.validate_failed("The associated object %s is not 
found %s", unescapedDN, objectDnElement.toxml())
-                    trace("postValidateDn() OK  The associated object %s is 
found in objectDnNameDict (Dn has type SA_NAME_T)", unescapedDN)
-            else:
-                if len(objectValue) > 64:   
-                    print_info_stderr("validate Dn in %s", 
-                    self.validate_failed("length of object value is %d (max 
64): %s", len(objectPart), objectValue)
-        return            
+        if comma_index == -1:
+            trace("Found root element (no unescaped commas): %s",
+                  object_dn_name)
+            return
+        object_owner_part = object_dn_name[comma_index + 1:]
+        object_part = object_dn_name[:comma_index]
+        trace("ObjectDN: %s objectOwner: %s objectPart: %s", object_dn_name,
+              object_owner_part, object_part)
+        # Owner should exist for both SA_NAME_T and SA_STRING_T
+        if object_owner_part not in self.objectDnNameDict:
+            print_info_stderr("Validate dn in %s", object_dn_element.toxml())
+            self.validate_failed("Parent to %s is not found in %s",
+                                 object_dn_name, object_dn_element.toxml())
+        trace("post_validate_dn() OK parentPart %s found in objectDnNameDict",
+              object_owner_part)
+        # But in case dn is a SA_NAME_T also the objectIdPart should exist
+        # in dictionary
+        if self.classDict[class_name]["rdn"] == "SA_NAME_T":
+            # Find value of association (remove association name)
+            equal_sign_index = object_part.find("=")
+            # object_name = object_part[:equal_sign_index]
+            object_value = object_part[equal_sign_index + 1:]
+            object_value_equal_sign_index = object_value.find("=")
-    def processInputfile(self, filename):
+            # x=y vs x=y=z
+            if object_value_equal_sign_index != -1:
+                if not Options.ignoreRdnAssociationRefs:
+                    association_value = object_value
+                    # Remove escape characters
+                    unescaped_dn = association_value.replace('\\', '')
+                    if unescaped_dn not in self.objectDnNameDict:
+                        print_info_stderr("Validate dn in %s",
+                                          object_dn_element.toxml())
+                        self.validate_failed("The associated object %s is not "
+                                             "found in %s", unescaped_dn,
+                                             object_dn_element.toxml())
+                    trace("post_validate_dn() OK  The associated object %s is "
+                          "found in objectDnNameDict (dn has type SA_NAME_T)",
+                          unescaped_dn)
+            else:
+                if len(object_value) > 64:
+                    print_info_stderr("Validate dn in %s",
+                                      object_dn_element.toxml())
+                    self.validate_failed("Length of object value is %d "
+                                         "(max 64): %s", len(object_part),
+                                         object_value)
+        return
+    def process_input_file(self, file_name):
+        """ Process IMM XML input file """
-        trace("processInputfile() :%s", filename)
-        if Options.isXmlLintFound and Options.schemaFilename != None:
-            if self.validateXmlFileWithSchema(filename, 
Options.schemaFilename) != 0:
-                self.abort_file("failed to validate input file %s: with xml 
schema", filename)
+        trace("process_input_file(): %s", file_name)
+        if Options.isXmlLintFound and Options.schemaFilename is not None:
+            if self.validate_xml_file_with_schema(file_name,
+                                                  Options.schemaFilename) != 0:
+                self.abort_file("Failed to validate input file %s with xml "
+                                "schema", file_name)
-            self.verifyInputXmlDocumentFileIsParsable(filename)
+            self.verify_input_xml_document_file_is_parsable(file_name)
+        doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(file_name)
-        doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(filename)
-        ## Fast forward to imm:contents element
+        # Fast forward to imm:contents element
         for element in doc.childNodes:
-            otherNodes = []
-            if (element.nodeName == self.imm_content_element_name):
-                for childElement in element.childNodes:
-                    trace("imm:contents loop..... Nodename:%s NodeValue%s", 
childElement.nodeName, childElement.nodeValue)
-                    if (childElement.nodeName == "class"):
-                        self.addClass(childElement, otherNodes)
-                        otherNodes = []
-                    elif (childElement.nodeName == "object"):
-                        self.addObject(childElement, otherNodes)
-                        otherNodes = []
+            other_nodes = []
+            if element.nodeName == self.imm_content_element_name:
+                for child_element in element.childNodes:
+                    trace("imm:contents loop.....NodeName: %s NodeValue: %s",
+                          child_element.nodeName, child_element.nodeValue)
+                    if child_element.nodeName == "class":
+                        self.add_class(child_element, other_nodes)
+                        other_nodes = []
+                    elif child_element.nodeName == "object":
+                        self.add_object(child_element, other_nodes)
+                        other_nodes = []
-                        # probably text nodes....ignore if whitespace only
-                        childElementStr = 
-                        #if len(childElementStr) > 1:
-                            #otherNodes.append(childElement)
-                        otherNodes.append(childElement)
+                        # Probably text nodes
+                        # Ignore if whitespace only
+                        # child_element_str = \
+                        #     child_element.nodeValue.lstrip().rstrip()
+                        # if len(child_element_str) > 1:
+                        #     other_nodes.append(child_element)
+                        other_nodes.append(child_element)
         return 0
-    def postProcessValidate(self):
-        # iterate over all objects again to validate again when all objects 
are parsed from inputfiles
-        self.postValidateObjectList()
-#### end of class ImmDocument
-def printUsage():
-  print "usage: immxml-validate [options] filename[s]"
-  print """
-      --schema            validate inputfiles with the supplied
-                          xsd schema file
-  -t, --trace             print trace information to stderr
-  --ignore-attribute-refs 
-                          specifying this option then the tool skips to
-                          validate that SA_NAME_T attributes references 
-                          existing objects  
-  --ignore-rdn-association-refs
-                          specifying this option then the tool skips to
-                          validate that SA_NAME_T rdn association references 
-                          existing objects  
-  -v, --version           print version information and exit
-  -h, --help              display this help and exit
+    def post_process_validate(self):
+        """ Post validation process """
+        # Iterate over all objects again to validate again when all objects are
+        # parsed from input files
+        self.post_validate_object_list()
+# End of ImmDocument class
+def print_usage():
+    """ Print usage of immxml-validate tool """
+    print ("usage: immxml-validate [options] filename[s]")
+    print ("""
+    --schema            validate input files with the supplied xsd schema file
+    -t, --trace         print trace information to stderr
+    --ignore-attribute-refs
+                        if this option is specified, the tool skips to validate
+                        that SA_NAME_T attributes references existing objects
+    --ignore-rdn-association-refs
+                        if this option is specified, the tool skips to validate
+                        that SA_NAME_T rdn association references existing
+                        objects
+    -v, --version       print version information and exit
+    -h, --help          display this help and exit
    See for information and updates.
-def printVersion():
-  print "immxml-validate version 0.5.1"
+   """)
+def print_version():
+    """ Print version of immxml-validate tool """
+    print ("immxml-validate version 0.5.1")
-def main(argv):    
+def main(argv):
+    """ Main program """
-        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "thvso", ["trace", "help", "version", 
"schema=", "ignore-attribute-refs", "ignore-rdn-association-refs"])
-    except getopt.GetoptError, err:
-        # print help information and exit:
+        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "thv",
+                                   ["trace", "help", "version", "schema=",
+                                    "ignore-attribute-refs",
+                                    "ignore-rdn-association-refs"])
+    except getopt.GetoptError as err:
+        # Print help information and exit
         print_info_stderr("%s", str(err))
-        printUsage()
+        print_usage()
-    for o, v in opts:
-        if o in ["-t", "--trace"]:
+    for opt, value in opts:
+        if opt in ["-t", "--trace"]:
             BaseOptions.traceOn = True
-        if o in ("--schema"):
-            Options.schemaFilename = v
-        if o in ("--ignore-attribute-refs"):
+        if opt == "--schema":
+            Options.schemaFilename = value
+        if opt == "--ignore-attribute-refs":
             Options.ignoreAttributeRefs = True
-        if o in ("--ignore-rdn-association-refs"):
+        if opt == "--ignore-rdn-association-refs":
             Options.ignoreRdnAssociationRefs = True
-        if o in ["-v", "--version"]:
-            printVersion()
+        if opt in ["-v", "--version"]:
+            print_version()
-        elif o in ["-h", "--help"]:
-            printUsage()
+        elif opt in ["-h", "--help"]:
+            print_usage()
-    # cannot trace these until -t, Options.traceOn is effective (or not)
+    # Cannot trace these until -t, Options.traceOn is effective (or not)
     trace("opts:%s", opts)
     trace("args:%s", args)
     trace("sys.path:%s", sys.path)
-    if len(args) == 0:
-        printUsage()
+    if not args:
+        print_usage()
-    trace("Option object: \n %s", Options.printOptionSettings())
-    if os.path.exists('/usr/bin/xmllint') == False:
-        if (Options.schemaFilename != None ):
-            abort_script("Cannot find the required linux command 
/usr/bin/xmllint. --schema option requires xmllint, Exiting!")
-    fileList = retrieveFilenames(args)
-    trace("starting to process files::\n")
-    atLeastOneFileFailed = False
-    for fileName in fileList:
+    trace("Option object:\n %s", Options.print_option_settings())
+    if not os.path.exists('/usr/bin/xmllint'):
+        if Options.schemaFilename is not None:
+            abort_script("Cannot find the required linux command "
+                         "/usr/bin/xmllint. '--schema' option requires "
+                         "xmllint, Exiting!")
+    file_list = retrieve_file_names(args)
+    trace("Starting to process files...\n")
+    at_least_one_file_failed = False
+    for file_name in file_list:
             doc = ImmDocument()
-            verifyInputFileReadAcess(fileName)
-            doc.initialize();
-            doc.processInputfile(fileName)
-            if doc.validateFailed == False:
-                doc.postProcessValidate()
+            verify_input_file_read_access(file_name)
+            doc.initialize()
+            doc.process_input_file(file_name)
+            if not doc.validateFailed:
+                doc.post_process_validate()
         except AbortFileException:
             doc.validateFailed = True
-        if doc.validateFailed == True:
-            atLeastOneFileFailed = True
-            print_info_stderr("Validation failed of file:%s", fileName)
+        if doc.validateFailed:
+            at_least_one_file_failed = True
+            print_info_stderr("Validation failed for file: %s", file_name)
-            print_info_stderr("Validation succeded of file:%s", fileName)
-        trace("Done with file:%s", fileName)
-    if atLeastOneFileFailed == True:
+            print_info_stderr("Validation succeeded for file: %s", file_name)
+        trace("Done with file: %s", file_name)
+    if at_least_one_file_failed:
         return 0
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/tools/devel/dot/trace2dot b/tools/devel/dot/trace2dot
index dac0cf3..160617c 100755
--- a/tools/devel/dot/trace2dot
+++ b/tools/devel/dot/trace2dot
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # (C) Copyright 2015 The OpenSAF Foundation
-# Copyright Ericsson AB 2015, 2016, 2017 - All Rights Reserved.
+# (C) Copyright Ericsson AB 2015, 2016, 2017. All rights reserved.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
@@ -15,24 +15,25 @@
 # Author(s): Ericsson AB
- trace2dot creates a runtime call graph using an opensaf trace file as input
- and produces a dot file. The generated dot file can be viewed graphically 
using e.g. dotty.
- Example:
- Create a dot file, from osafamfd trace file. Start from 
function saClmDispatch.
- $ trace2dot -t osafamfd -f saClmDispatch -d
- $ dotty
+trace2dot creates a runtime call graph using an opensaf trace file as input and
+produces a dot file. The generated dot file can be viewed graphically using
+tool such as dotty.
+Create a dot file, from osafamfd trace file. Start from function
+$ trace2dot -t osafamfd -f saClmDispatch -d
+$ dotty
+from __future__ import print_function
 import sys
 import os
 import argparse
 def run(trace_file, from_function, dot_file):
-    ''' TBD '''
+    """ TBD """
     infile = open(trace_file)
     if dot_file:
@@ -50,9 +51,9 @@ def run(trace_file, from_function, dot_file):
 def check_infile(trace_file):
-    '''  Rudimentary check for missing TRACE_ENTER/TRACE_LEAVE. Will not
-         check for e.g. returns before TRACE_LEAVE.
-    '''
+    """ Rudimentary check for missing TRACE_ENTER/TRACE_LEAVE.
+    Will not check for, e.g. return statements, before TRACE_LEAVE.
+    """
     infile = open(trace_file)
     trace_enter = set()
     trace_leave = set()
@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ def check_infile(trace_file):
 def process_infile(infile, from_function, outfile):
-    '''  TBD '''
+    """  TBD """
     function_names = []
     from_func_found = False
@@ -96,12 +97,16 @@ def process_infile(infile, from_function, outfile):
-                if len(function_names) > 1:
+                if function_names:
-                        func_enter + ' [ordering=out, color=grey, shape=box, 
label="' + func_enter + '"];\n')
+                        func_enter +
+                        ' [ordering=out, color=grey, shape=box, label="' +
+                        func_enter + '"];\n')
-                        func_enter + ' [ordering=out, color=red, shape=box, 
label="' + func_enter + '"];\n')
+                        func_enter +
+                        ' [ordering=out, color=red, shape=box, label="' +
+                        func_enter + '"];\n')
             if items[5] == '<<':
                 func_leave = items[6].rstrip(':')
@@ -109,22 +114,24 @@ def process_infile(infile, from_function, outfile):
                     if from_function == func_leave:
-                if len(function_names) > 0:
+                if function_names:
                     func_enter = function_names.pop()
                     if func_enter != func_leave:
-                        print('%s %s %s' % (func_enter, ' has no matching 
TRACE_LEAVE, found ', func_leave))
+                        print('%s %s %s' %
+                              (func_enter,
+                               ' has no matching TRACE_LEAVE, found ',
+                               func_leave))
                         outfile.write(func_leave + ' -> ' + func_enter + '\n')
-                        if len(function_names) > 0:
+                        if function_names:
                             caller = function_names[len(function_names) - 1]
                             outfile.write(caller + ' -> ' + func_enter + '\n')
 def file_exists(filename):
-    '''Check if arg is a valid file that already exists on the file
-    system.
-    '''
+    """ Check if arg is a valid file that already exists on the file system.
+    """
     if not os.path.exists(filename):
         raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
             "The file %s does not exist!" % filename)
@@ -133,18 +140,20 @@ def file_exists(filename):
 def main():
-    ''' program main '''
+    """ Main program """
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description="Create runtime callgraph from OpenSAF trace file")
+        description="Create runtime call graph from OpenSAF trace file")
     parser.add_argument('-t', '--tracefile', nargs='+',
                         type=file_exists, help='OpenSAF trace file')
     parser.add_argument('-f', '--fromfunction', nargs='+',
-                        help='Show runtime callgraph from function')
-    parser.add_argument('-d', '--dotfile', nargs='+', help='Result file in dot 
-    parser.add_argument('-c', '--checkfile', nargs='+',
-                        type=file_exists, help='Check infile for matching 
trace_enter trace_leave')
+                        help='Show runtime call graph from function')
+    parser.add_argument('-d', '--dotfile', nargs='+',
+                        help='Result file in dot format')
+    parser.add_argument('-c', '--checkfile', nargs='+', type=file_exists,
+                        help='Check infile for matching '
+                             'trace_enter trace_leave')
     args = parser.parse_args()
@@ -166,5 +175,6 @@ def main():
         trace_file = args.tracefile[0]
         run(trace_file, from_function, dot_file)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/tools/devel/review/ 
index 8350517..30a5188 100755
--- a/tools/devel/review/
+++ b/tools/devel/review/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 #      -*- OpenSAF  -*-
 # (C) Copyright 2010 The OpenSAF Foundation
+# (C) Copyright Ericsson AB 2015, 2016, 2017. All rights reserved.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
@@ -13,16 +14,19 @@
 # licensing terms.
 # Author(s): Wind River Systems
+#            Ericsson AB
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name
+""" Tokenize alphanumeric words in patch file """
+from __future__ import print_function
 import re
 import sys
-# Validates only on lines that are patch addition (e.g. + foo)
-pattern = re.compile("\+\s.*")
+# Validate only on lines that are patch additions (e.g. + foo)
+pattern = re.compile(r"\+\s.*")
 m = pattern.match(sys.argv[1])
 if m:
-       # Tokenize all alphanumeric words for banned word lookup
-       for word in re.findall("\s*(\w+).?\(",
-               print word
+    # Tokenize all alphanumeric words for banned word lookup
+    for word in re.findall(r"\s*(\w+).?\(",
+        print (word)

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