
     I am new in using OpenSAF. I encountered an error in running the latest 
OpenSaf software in a Ubuntu Linux VM. I would appreciate if somebody can 
provide some hint on this issue in specific and some references in running 
OpenSAF in general. Thanks a lot in advance!

  1.  Procedures and errors encountered

     *   Download the latest OpenSAF package opensaf-5.18.02.tar.gz in a Ubuntu 
Linux VM (Linux version 4.4.0-116-generic (buildd@lgw01-amd64-021) (gcc version 
5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.9));

     *   Use "./configure -enable-tipc", "make" and "make install" to install 
the OpenSAF;

     *   Use "/etc/init.d/opensafd start"

     *   Errors (output from "journalctl -xe")

Mar 05 12:46:33 feng-opensaf-2 opensafd[57351]: Starting OpenSAF 
Services(5.18.02 - 2ed303919c3f0f36859028f47caf1498e882f45a) (Using TCP)
Mar 05 12:46:33 feng-opensaf-2 opensafd[57330]: Starting OpenSAF Services 
(Using TCP):/usr/local/lib/opensaf/opensafd: error while loading shared 
libraries: libopensaf_core.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file 
or directory
Mar 05 12:46:33 feng-opensaf-2 opensafd[57330]:  *
Mar 05 12:46:33 feng-opensaf-2 opensafd[57675]: Starting OpenSAF failed
Mar 05 12:46:33 feng-opensaf-2 systemd[1]: opensafd.service: Control process 
exited, code=exited status=127
Mar 05 12:46:33 feng-opensaf-2 systemd[1]: Failed to start OpenSAF daemon.
-- Subject: Unit opensafd.service has failed

  1.  I checked /usr/local/lib and I found libopensaf_core.so.0 by "ls -l 

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root      974 Mar  2 16:29 libopensaf_core.la

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       24 Mar  2 16:29 libopensaf_core.so -> 

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       24 Mar  2 16:29 libopensaf_core.so.0 -> 

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  2816096 Mar  2 16:29 libopensaf_core.so.0.2.0


  1.  Then I modified my $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include "/usr/local/lib" by adding 
it to the .bashrc file and did "source ./bashrc"

root@opensaf-2:/home/xyz# echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH

  1.  Rerun opensaf by using "/etc/init.d/opensafd start", the same error was 

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