- **status**: unassigned --> accepted
- **Milestone**: future --> 4.4.FC


** [tickets:#152] LOG: remove dependency to shared file system**

**Status:** accepted
**Created:** Mon May 13, 2013 11:51 AM UTC by elunlen
**Last Updated:** Mon May 13, 2013 11:51 AM UTC
**Owner:** elunlen

Purpose: Make OpenSAF not depended on shared filesystem.

Benefit: improved performance and robustness. OpenSAF will be able to control a 
shared file system like DRBD.

Drawback: Hard to follow when there is holes of missing log records on one 
controller that exists on the other controller.

* have same names on files on both controllers.
* Files could be less than rotation size for one or both controllers if down 
time has occurred.
* No configuration "no shared file system" will be the only option

* log records needs to be forwarded to the standby.
* both active and standby LOG server writes to its local file

Migrated from devel.opensaf.org #2416


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