- Description has changed:



--- old
+++ new
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 If the PBE encounters a fatal problem during the creation of the temporary
 database file, then it should unlink that file before exiting. 
-If the PBE crashes it will still not do this, so it should do some cleanup
-at start/restart. Care needs to be taken on cleanup in 1PBE as race conditions 
-could arise between the two sides. But at least tmp files that are more than
-a few minutes old should be cleand up. For 2PBE all imm.db tmp files are 
-processor lcoal so all should be cleaned up.
+If the PBE crashes it will still not do this, so it should also cleanup
+at start/restart.  All imm.db tmp files are processor local, so it should
+be safe to remove all of them.



** [tickets:#869] IMM: PBE must unlink any /tmp/imm.db.xxxx file when exiting 
on error**

**Status:** unassigned
**Milestone:** future
**Created:** Tue Apr 22, 2014 01:55 PM UTC by Anders Bjornerstedt
**Last Updated:** Tue Apr 22, 2014 01:55 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

If the PBE encounters a fatal problem during the creation of the temporary
database file, then it should unlink that file before exiting. 

If the PBE crashes it will still not do this, so it should also cleanup
at start/restart.  All imm.db tmp files are processor local, so it should
be safe to remove all of them.


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