- **status**: unassigned --> assigned
- **assigned_to**: Anders Bjornerstedt
- **Milestone**: 4.3.3 --> 4.4.1


** [tickets:#1092] 2PBE: pbed exits with error 'cannot rollback - no 
transaction is active'**

**Status:** assigned
**Milestone:** 4.4.1
**Created:** Tue Sep 16, 2014 07:12 AM UTC by Sirisha Alla
**Last Updated:** Tue Sep 16, 2014 07:12 AM UTC
**Owner:** Anders Bjornerstedt

The issue is seen on SLES X86 VMs running with opensaf changeset 5697+#946 
patches. IMM DB is loaded with 50k objects.

IMM Applications along with switchover is in progress.

Following is observed in the syslog of SC-1:

Sep 16 11:07:27 SLES-64BIT-SLOT1 osafimmpbed: NO Slave PBE time-out in waiting 
on porepare for PRTA update ccb:1000001c4 
Sep 16 11:07:28 SLES-64BIT-SLOT1 osafimmpbed: ER SQL statement ('ROLLBACK') 
failed because:  cannot rollback - no transaction is active
Sep 16 11:07:28 SLES-64BIT-SLOT1 osafimmpbed: ER Exiting (line:2843)

An application class is created just before the PBE process started.

Sep 16 11:07:32 SLES-64BIT-SLOT1 osafimmnd[2384]: NO Create of class 
testMA_verifyObjCompCallbackNode_101_133 is PERSISTENT.

When the PBE process started verification of pbe state failed.

Sep 16 11:07:33 SLES-64BIT-SLOT1 osafimmpbed: NO Successfully opened 
pre-existing sqlite pbe file /home/sirisha/immsv/immpbe/imm.db.2010f
Sep 16 11:07:33 SLES-64BIT-SLOT1 osafimmpbed: IN saImmRepositoryInit: 
SA_IMM_KEEP_REPOSITORY - attaching to repository
Sep 16 11:07:33 SLES-64BIT-SLOT1 osafimmpbed: ER Expected 1 row got 0 rows 
(line: 1161)
Sep 16 11:07:33 SLES-64BIT-SLOT1 osafimmpbed: WA Verify class 
testMA_verifyObjCompCallbackNode_101_133 failed!
Sep 16 11:07:33 SLES-64BIT-SLOT1 osafimmpbed: NO Renamed 
/home/sirisha/immsv/immpbe/imm.db.2010f to 
/home/sirisha/immsv/immpbe/imm.db.2010f.failed_immdump because it has been 
detected to be corrupt.
Sep 16 11:07:33 SLES-64BIT-SLOT1 osafimmpbed: NO Removed obsolete journal file: 
Sep 16 11:07:33 SLES-64BIT-SLOT1 osafimmpbed: WA verifyPbeState failed!
Sep 16 11:07:33 SLES-64BIT-SLOT1 osafimmpbed: WA Pbe: Failed to re-attach to db 
file /home/sirisha/immsv/immpbe/imm.db.2010f - regenerating db file
Sep 16 11:07:33 SLES-64BIT-SLOT1 osafimmpbed: IN Generating DB file from 
current IMM state. DB file: /home/sirisha/immsv/immpbe/imm.db.2010f

Syslog and IMMND traces on both the controllers is attached. there might be a 
few seconds time difference between the two slots.


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