- Description has changed:



--- old
+++ new
@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
 Today AMF supports modifying csi attribute name-value without requiring that 
SI to be locked. But the modified attributes are sent only after a subsequent 
admin operation. This ticket is intended to evaluate and support sending 
CSIsetcallback (with the same CSI state information but modified csi 
attributes) immediately.
-Will update implementation scope soon...
+Implementation scope:
+1)Upon modification of CSI attribute, AMF will send a CSI Set callback to the 
component (to which corresponding CSI is assigned) with same HA state. Callback 
will contain list of all configured csiattribute name-value pairs (not only the 
changed one). If CSI is not assigned, then no callback will be issued.
+Note: AMF spec does not talk about reinvocation of CSI set callback in the 
context of csi-attribute modification. But reinvocation of calback with same HA 
state information is discussed in case like failure handing in N-Way model  AMF 
B.04.01 " Failure Handling " page 167.
+2)All characteristics associated with a CSI SET callback will be applicable 
with respect to invocation of callback like waiting response from component via 
saAmfResponse() API and generation of error report if component does not 
respond within the configured callbacktimeout.
+3)Feature will be configurable either through amfd.conf or via some attribute 
in CSI. It means if the feature is enabled then only AMF will invoke callback 
on component. If feature is disabled then existing behaviour will continue 
which means change will come into effect via lock/unlock of SI and other 
similar means involving reassignment of SI.
+4) Although  CLC-CLI commands are idempotents as per spec, modification of CSI 
attribture for a NPI component will not lead to re-execution of INSTANTIATE 
command for a NPI component. For such a component existing behavior will 
+5)Since all middleware components are sa-aware, this feature will be supported 
for MW services also.



** [tickets:#1553] AMF: Send CsiSetCallback immediately when CSI attributes are 
modified (loadbalancing, VM migration usecases)**

**Status:** accepted
**Milestone:** 5.0.FC
**Labels:** VM migration loadbalancer-synchronization 
**Created:** Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:03 AM UTC by Mathi Naickan
**Last Updated:** Mon Jan 25, 2016 09:59 AM UTC
**Owner:** Praveen

AMF is the 'workload' manager in OpenSAF. There are also loadbalancers external 
to OpenSAF that can choose to modify some attributes of an application 
component's workload which is currently assigned ACTIVE (without loss of 
service). In such scenarios it is possible (and necessary) for both AMF and the 
external load balancers to throttle each other. The reverse throttling(from AMF 
to the external load balancer) is possible based on any changes to the 
NodeCapacity limitations set in AMF, but that is for later/future 

For eg:- Suppose an application component (say modelled in n-way active) is 
currently serving traffic originating from a source/target X, based on some 
network criteria the load balancer can choose to re-configure/modify that 
application to serve traffic from a different source/target Y. Such change in 
information related to that workload could be communicated to that application 
component at runtime without loss of service.

The above scenario is achieved if the admin (or a loadbalancer) modifies the 
attributes of a workload i.e. csiattribute name-value pair, and then the 
altered name-value information is communicated to that application or 
associated application components 'immediately' instead of waiting for the next 
admin operation!

Today AMF supports modifying csi attribute name-value without requiring that SI 
to be locked. But the modified attributes are sent only after a subsequent 
admin operation. This ticket is intended to evaluate and support sending 
CSIsetcallback (with the same CSI state information but modified csi 
attributes) immediately.

Implementation scope:
1)Upon modification of CSI attribute, AMF will send a CSI Set callback to the 
component (to which corresponding CSI is assigned) with same HA state. Callback 
will contain list of all configured csiattribute name-value pairs (not only the 
changed one). If CSI is not assigned, then no callback will be issued.
Note: AMF spec does not talk about reinvocation of CSI set callback in the 
context of csi-attribute modification. But reinvocation of calback with same HA 
state information is discussed in case like failure handing in N-Way model  AMF 
B.04.01 " Failure Handling " page 167.
2)All characteristics associated with a CSI SET callback will be applicable 
with respect to invocation of callback like waiting response from component via 
saAmfResponse() API and generation of error report if component does not 
respond within the configured callbacktimeout.
3)Feature will be configurable either through amfd.conf or via some attribute 
in CSI. It means if the feature is enabled then only AMF will invoke callback 
on component. If feature is disabled then existing behaviour will continue 
which means change will come into effect via lock/unlock of SI and other 
similar means involving reassignment of SI.
4) Although  CLC-CLI commands are idempotents as per spec, modification of CSI 
attribture for a NPI component will not lead to re-execution of INSTANTIATE 
command for a NPI component. For such a component existing behavior will 
5)Since all middleware components are sa-aware, this feature will be supported 
for MW services also.


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