
** [tickets:#1859] fm: Split-brain avoidance in OpenSAF using fencing**

**Status:** assigned
**Milestone:** 4.7.2
**Created:** Wed Jun 01, 2016 01:49 PM UTC by Hans Nordebäck
**Last Updated:** Wed Jun 01, 2016 01:49 PM UTC
**Owner:** Hans Nordebäck

Split brain can occur in OpenSAF if either both links between the two 
controllers are "lost"
or one of the controller "live hangs". 

OpenSAF handles and detects split-brain via FM and uses PLM to fence the 
offending system controller using reboot. PLM only supports target environments 
running on particular hardware

Only a few split-brain cases has been seen and only when running in virtualized 
1) Virtual switches problems that makes SCs isolated from each other.
2) Both TIPC links between the SCs are "down/lost", e.g. TIPC tolerance time 
too low, non-redundant links, etc.
3) A system controller in a virtual machine is "live hanging" for several 
seconds, e.g. due to  
live migration/snapshotting.

To be able to do power fencing in a virtualized environment this ticket suggests
to use STONITH.
When FM detects its peer is not available, both active and standby, in an 
virtualized environment the active FM system controller will use STONITH to 
power fence the FM standby system controller, (not power reset). The FM standby 
system controller will also power fence, but with a delay,  the active FM 
system controller.
This will solve the above identified split-brain cases.


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