
** [tickets:#1870] rde: Fix cppcheck warnings**

**Status:** accepted
**Milestone:** 5.1.FC
**Created:** Thu Jun 09, 2016 08:26 AM UTC by Anders Widell
**Last Updated:** Thu Jun 09, 2016 08:26 AM UTC
**Owner:** Anders Widell

cppcheck version 1.74 reports the following warnings in the RDE service:

Line | Id | CWE | Severity | Message
---------- | ---------- | ------ | ------ | ------
300 | cstyleCast | 398 | style | C-style pointer casting
347 | redundantAssignment | 563 | style | Variable 'rc' is reassigned a value 
before the old one has been used.
410 | redundantAssignment | 563 | style | Variable 'rc' is reassigned a value 
before the old one has been used.
516 | pointerLessThanZero | 570 | style | A pointer can not be negative so it 
is either pointless or an error to check if it is.
585 | redundantAssignment | 563 | style | Variable 'rc' is reassigned a value 
before the old one has been used.
34 | noExplicitConstructor |  | style | Class 'Role' has a constructor with 1 
argument that is not explicit.
34 | noExplicitConstructor |  | style | Class 'Role' has a constructor with 1 
argument that is not explicit.
34 | noExplicitConstructor |  | style | Class 'Role' has a constructor with 1 
argument that is not explicit.
34 | noExplicitConstructor |  | style | Class 'Role' has a constructor with 1 
argument that is not explicit.
34 | noExplicitConstructor |  | style | Class 'Role' has a constructor with 1 
argument that is not explicit.
34 | noExplicitConstructor |  | style | Class 'Role' has a constructor with 1 
argument that is not explicit.
240 | redundantAssignment | 563 | style | Variable 'rc' is reassigned a value 
before the old one has been used.
374 | redundantAssignment | 563 | style | Variable 'sockfd' is reassigned a 
value before the old one has been used.
417 | unusedFunction |  | style | The function 'rde_rda_sock_name' is never 
473 | unusedFunction |  | style | The function 'rde_rda_close' is never used.
38 | redundantAssignment | 563 | style | Variable 'ret_val' is reassigned a 
value before the old one has been used.


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