So mean for PI component as well ?


** [tickets:#1950] Amf: cleanup command is called during termination after 
health check failure**

**Status:** unassigned
**Milestone:** 4.7.2
**Created:** Fri Aug 12, 2016 09:38 AM UTC by Nagendra Kumar
**Last Updated:** Fri Aug 12, 2016 01:19 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

Steps to reproduce
When NPI component is in termination state and health check also running 
concurrently, then there is rare chance that health check may return failure 
because of inability of component to respond during termination.
In such case, after healtch check(HC) reported failure, Amf is sending the 
cleanup command to the component.

Observed behaviour
During cleanup command, there may be contention of resources and there are fair 
chances that cleanup command uses fiorceful termination of component resulting 
in generating core dump.

Expected behaviour
The expected behavious can be either of :
    1.Amf detecting that HC failure during component termination is a false 
alarm and ignore the error and ler termination command succeed and then let the 
rest follows.
    2. Amf runs clean up command as explained in the description above. This is 
because of inability of Amf to detect wherther health check is because of 
termination command or because of genuine issue that component was undergoing 
and it has reported HC failure just after issuing of terminate command. If Amf 
doesn't take any action then there is likely possibility of termination command 
timeout as erraneous component can't be trusted. This will delay the repair and 
recovery for configured timeout period. This is unwanted for sure. Please note 
that PI component is also being cleaned up in the similar way.

So, we need to converge the understanding and evaluate which one is better 
solution from use case point of view.


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