Hi Ritu Raj,

The problem in #1828 happened in this scenario
- Stop both Active/Standby controllers
- The Quiesced controller will become new active
- The services hang if IMMND is dead during new Active controller 
initialization. Simulated IMMND's deadth by killing IMMND process, by I was 
doing this way:

diff --git a/osaf/services/saf/cpsv/cpnd/cpnd_init.c 
--- a/osaf/services/saf/cpsv/cpnd/cpnd_init.c
+++ b/osaf/services/saf/cpsv/cpnd/cpnd_init.c
@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ void cpnd_main_process(CPND_CB *cb)
                                SaClmCallbacksT gen_cbk;
                                LOG_NO("Bad CLM handle. Reinitializing.");
+                               if (system("pkill osafimmnd"));
                                // @TODO figure out why CLMS is not 'instantly' 



** [tickets:#1828] AMF: Both director and node director hang if immnd dies in 
new SC reallocation scenario**

**Status:** fixed
**Milestone:** 5.1.FC
**Created:** Mon May 16, 2016 05:29 AM UTC by Minh Hon Chau
**Last Updated:** Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:04 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

Enable cloud & roaming feature.
If both Active and Standby SC are stopped at the same time, new controllers 
will be allocated to be Active/Standby. During this new Active role allocation, 
if immnd dies there will be circle dependencies in controller (who is going to 
be Active):
- clmd can not use IMM services since immnd dies
- immnd needs restarted by amfnd
- amfnd is hanging since amfnd is calling CLM services
- amfd is also hanging since amfd is calling CLM and NTF services
- ntfd is hanging due to logd's dependencies on IMM

The problem can be solved if amfd/amfnd are not blocked in main thread so immnd 
can be restarted and controller will not be reboot due to heartbeat time out


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