
** [tickets:#2547] amfd: payload cannot join cluster**

**Status:** accepted
**Milestone:** 5.17.10
**Created:** Wed Aug 09, 2017 12:41 AM UTC by Gary Lee
**Last Updated:** Wed Aug 09, 2017 12:41 AM UTC
**Owner:** Gary Lee

If a payload is stopped and restarted quickly, sometimes it will not be able to 
re-join the cluster.

CLM and MDS events are sent to the main thread in separate pathways. Here we 
can see a MDS DOWN event arriving out of order, after CLM JOIN.

Jul 27 11:45:15.259963 osafamfd [264:264:src/clm/agent/clma_api.c:0829] >> 
Jul 27 11:45:15.260082 osafamfd [264:264:src/amf/amfd/clm.cc:0222] >> 
clm_track_cb: '0' '4' '1'
Jul 27 11:45:15.260103 osafamfd [264:264:src/amf/amfd/clm.cc:0238] TR 
numberOfMembers:'4', numberOfItems:'1'
Jul 27 11:45:15.260121 osafamfd [264:264:src/amf/amfd/clm.cc:0244] TR i = 0, 
node:'safNode=PL-4,safCluster=myClmCluster', clusterChange:3
Jul 27 11:45:15.260133 osafamfd [264:264:src/amf/amfd/clm.cc:0299] TR  Node 
Left: rootCauseEntity safNode=PL-4,safCluster=myClmCluster for node 132111

Jul 27 11:45:15.279492 osafamfd [264:264:src/clm/agent/clma_api.c:0829] >> 
Jul 27 11:45:15.279574 osafamfd [264:264:src/amf/amfd/clm.cc:0222] >> 
clm_track_cb: '0' '4' '1'
Jul 27 11:45:15.279581 osafamfd [264:264:src/amf/amfd/clm.cc:0238] TR 
numberOfMembers:'5', numberOfItems:'1'
Jul 27 11:45:15.279589 osafamfd [264:264:src/amf/amfd/clm.cc:0244] TR i = 0, 
node:'safNode=PL-4,safCluster=myClmCluster', clusterChange:2
Jul 27 11:45:15.279609 osafamfd [264:264:src/amf/amfd/node.cc:0052] TR added 
node 132111
Jul 27 11:45:15.279620 osafamfd [264:264:src/amf/amfd/clm.cc:0380] TR Node 
Joined 'safNode=PL-4,safCluster=myClmCluster' '36'

Jul 27 11:45:15.287973 osafamfd [264:264:src/amf/amfd/main.cc:0770] >> 
process_event: evt->rcv_evt 21
Jul 27 11:45:15.287979 osafamfd [264:264:src/amf/amfd/ndfsm.cc:0771] >> 
avd_mds_avnd_down_evh: 2040f, 0x55c93b1dfda0
Jul 27 11:45:15.287986 osafamfd [264:264:src/amf/amfd/ndproc.cc:1219] >> 
avd_node_failover: 'safAmfNode=PL-4,safAmfCluster=myAmfCluster'
Jul 27 11:45:15.287991 osafamfd [264:264:src/amf/amfd/ndfsm.cc:1110] >> 

Jul 27 11:45:15.785245 osafamfd [264:264:src/amf/amfd/ndfsm.cc:0296] >> 
avd_node_up_evh: from 2040f, safAmfNode=PL-4,safAmfCluster=myAmfCluster
Jul 27 11:45:15.785261 osafamfd [264:264:src/amf/amfd/ndfsm.cc:0363] TR invalid 
node ID (2040f)


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