- **status**: review --> fixed
- **Comment**:

commit 2b4b4b2fd0f70381832ffff093dd09d4a75208c0 (HEAD -> develop, 
origin/develop, ticket-2554)
Author: Anders Widell <a...@..com>
Date:   Fri Aug 18 12:48:17 2017 +0200

    dtm: Re-factor the inter-node receive logic [#2554]
    The DTM receive logic was unnecessarily complex: it called recv() in many
    different places and had conditional statements that executed different 
    of code depending on how many bytes that had been received on the stream 
    so far. The code has now been refactored so that it uses only one single 
    statement and one single check to determine if it has received a full 
message or


** [tickets:#2554] dtm: Re-factor the inter-node receive logic**

**Status:** fixed
**Milestone:** 5.17.10
**Created:** Wed Aug 16, 2017 09:00 AM UTC by Anders Widell
**Last Updated:** Mon Aug 21, 2017 08:55 AM UTC
**Owner:** Anders Widell

The DTM receive logic is unnecessarily complex: it calls recv() in many 
different places and has conditional statements that executes different pieces 
of code depending on how many bytes have been received on the stream socket so 
far. It should be refactored so that it uses only one single recv() statement 
and one single check to determine if we have received a full message or not.


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