Hi Victor,

Victor Haefner wrote:
> Hi
> I am curious about SceniX  (
> http://developer.nvidia.com/object/scenix-home.html )
> ..its advantages / disadventages in comparison to OpenSG
> I'm thinking SceniX might be closer to the video card, but can it match the
> clustering abilities of OpenSG?

All of my comments are based on looking at the Scenix API a while ago and 
discussion that I've had with the Scenix team lead usually every year at 
SIGGRAPH. I've never practically used it, though.

IMHO the main advantages of Scenix are

- tight CGFX and MetaSL integration
- support for Optix (the nVidia Ray Tracer)
- supported by a commercial company (whether that's a pro or con is a loaded 
question. Ask the Cosmo3D or the Fahrenheit early adopters...)
- written by nVidia people with access to driver developers and source code, so 
they definitely know what not to do

It is a pretty well designed system that focuses on getting the best 
out of nVidia hard- and software. In that respect it is very much like 
Performer. It also integrates a whole laundry list of effects (see 
http://developer.nvidia.com/object/scenix-details.html), but I'm not sure how 
hard-coded and one-shot they are, or if there is an extensible backend behind 

I'm not aware of any distribution support, and it's multi-threading is just 
based on node locking, which IMHO is just wrong. It can do multi-GPU rendering 
using CompleX, but that's it. So in that respect I don't see it as competition 
to OpenSG. It's also not really designed to be as extensible, so integration of 
new features is going to be a challenge.

But again, I've never used it myself. I'd be interested to hear from people who 

> (I hope I'm not pissing someone off by bringing up another scene
> manager, Just interested in the technicalities. )

As long as you're not mindlessly bashing OpenSG not at all. :)




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