
on request of Carsten I have split up my 'accumulated changes' into smaller 
chunks so that it easier to look at them.

This change does only affect the MSVC windows build. OpenSG is traditionally 
build with the compiler flag /Zi on windows even in the optimized cases. That 
results in generation of the .pdb database files that can be used for debugging 
purposes. However, I think that it is recommended to use the following linker 
flags in that case: /OPT:REF /OPT:ICF in the optimized cases.

>From the docs: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bxwfs976.aspx

/OPT:REF eliminates functions and data that are never referenced;
/OPT:ICF to perform identical COMDAT folding. Redundant COMDATs can be removed 
from the linker output.

By default, /OPT:REF is enabled in non-debug builds.
When /OPT:REF is enabled either explicitly or by default, a limited form of 
/OPT:ICF is enabled that only folds identical functions.

If /DEBUG<https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/xe4t6fc1.aspx> is specified, 
the default for /OPT is NOREF, and all functions are preserved in the image. To 
override this default and optimize a debugging build, specify /OPT:REF. Because 
/OPT:REF implies /OPT:ICF, we recommend that you also specify /OPT:NOICF to 
preserve identical functions in debugging builds. This makes it easier to read 
stack traces and set breakpoints in functions that would otherwise be folded 
together. The /OPT:REF option disables incremental linking.


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Description: opensg_link_flags_diff

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