
I'm currently writing a chunk class and I'm a little puzzled about the 
'whichField' and its usage that is provided to the 'changed' procedure.

I have found the following code in a number of classes:

void TextureChunk::changed(ConstFieldMaskArg whichField,...)
    // Only filter changed? Mipmaps need reinit.
    if((whichField & ~(MinFilterFieldMask | MagFilterFieldMask)) == 0)

void TextureObjChunk::changed(ConstFieldMaskArg whichField,...)
{ ...
    // Only filter changed? Mipmaps need reinit.
    if((whichField & ~(MinFilterFieldMask | MagFilterFieldMask)) == 0)

void GeoProperty::changed(ConstFieldMaskArg whichField, ...)
    Inherited::changed(whichField, origin, details);

    if(0x0000 != (whichField & ~UsageFieldMask))

void UniformBufferObjStd140Chunk::changed(ConstFieldMaskArg whichField,...)
    if((whichField & ~(UsageFieldMask | BufferFieldMask)) == 0)

and some more. The last one is created by myself :-(

After thinking about it, I come to the conclusion that this usage pattern is 
not correct. If I understand correctly the whichField contains a bit pattern 
that has a 1 for each field that has changed. Then if I would like to test if 
that bit is set, I have to do a bit wise & operation to that bit. So for 
instance the TextureObjChunk code should read:

void TextureObjChunk::changed(ConstFieldMaskArg whichField,...)
{ ...
    // Only filter changed? Mipmaps need reinit.
    if((whichField & (MinFilterFieldMask | MagFilterFieldMask)) != 0)

Could someone check that please or give me some lecturing so that I understand 
correctly and do it right in the first place next time.

In the context of the my new chunk class I do have an additional  questions:

My chunk is derived from another chunk class that manages some OpenGL state. 
What is the correct way so that the parent chunk works correctly. What I mean 
is how can I force that the parent's 'activate', 'handleGL', etc. functions are 
properly called?
Is this allowed at all?


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