Mike Mazur wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 12:59 AM, Justin Clark-Casey
> <jjusti...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> What would happen if some future plugin to OpenSim wanted to add extra 
>> metadata fields?  Would then need to extend the
>> AssetBase class?  This seems a little icky to me (as opposed to extending a 
>> separate AssetMetadata class) but maybe
>> that's just me.
> Good question. I guess there's a benefit of having the Metadata class
> separate from the Asset class hierarchy.
>> Also to be penickity, could we prefix non-public fields with m_ rather than 
>> just _ ?  I think this is the standard that
>> we're following, though I have no desire to get religious about it.
> I was just following the existing code in AssetBase. When I make the
> next changes in there I'll prefix the attributes with m_.

Yeh, that's my bad.  The automatic refactor tools in monodevelop go with
 _ for privates, which I used to get us there.  Being able to
alphabetically sort all the attributes and have privates show up first
was a nice side effect.  I should have made things work with the
existing convention, just fell off the queue.


Sean Dague / Neas Bade

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