

I believe you're saying "supplying a smaller subset of the functionalities of 
Scene", as being able to supply something else than a concrete implementation 
should never really be a problem - in fact, in most cases supplying an 
interface is more desirable.


That said, what I was advocating, is that what is now Scene, probably could do 
well with an overhaul, and an explicit enumeration of what a "Scene" 
implementation really needs to provide, on one side as a contract with the 
core, and on the other side, as a contract with the module API.


I believe that those things should probably look (subtly or radically) 
different. Not to _hide_ core functionality from the module, but to provide 
_tailored_ functionality, enumerated for smooth decoupling and encapsulation.
Best regards,
Stefan Andersson
Tribal Media AB

> Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 20:32:48 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Opensim-dev] Supplying IScene instead of Scene for the future 
> region modules mechanism
> I'm not happy with supplying IScene. It would basically curtail the 
> functionality of region modules to what core believes should be 
> possible, and will lead to ugly upcasting "(Scene)IScene" that the 
> code is already rife with.
> So, I'm not seeing that as a good idea at all, it limits things too 
> much.
> Melanie
> Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
> > Hey Homer (since this is primarily addressed to you :),
> > 
> > I see you're making some progress on the up-and-coming new region modules 
> > mechanism.
> > 
> > Instead of passing Scene itself to region modules, could we create an 
> > interface so that we better control the amount of 
> > innards that we expose to region modules? It's convenient-ish to give the 
> > original Scene class to modules now, but it 
> > will cause us problems down the road.
> > 
> > I'm quite happy to pitch in with this if you want. I suggest renaming the 
> > existing IScene to ISceneBase (since that's 
> > what it really is) and creating a new IScene that's implemented by Scene.
> > 
> > It strikes me that it's going to be more convenient to do this when we 
> > introduce the new system than as a separate change.
> > 
> > Thoughts?
> > 
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