[Resending since previous bounced without membership of realxtend-dev]

Toni Alatalo wrote:
> Melanie wrote on 18th July 2009:
> (am cc'ing rex-dev to inform the devs here who follow that but not 
> opensim-dev, we talked about this in RL here yesterday, but propose that 
> the discussion will be continued on opensim-dev)
>> A clear and loud +1 on getting started on removing this SOG/SOP 
>> hierarchy thing.
>> The basic "node" could be stripped down to position, rotation, 
>> scale, parent, children and a few more things, with the prim stuff 
>> being in it's own class like Inventory was already moved out.
> Has this been worked on already?

No code has been writing, afaik, just discussions.

> We have now had a short two week research period at Realxtend, now that 
> everyone returned from holidays, and next week we'll plan the work for 
> coming autumn and the rest of the year.
> One issue we have is the Opensim scene object data model. For the viewer 
> side, we designed and implemented an Entity-Component model in spring - 
> this part of the design doc (written in February and implemented in 
> Naali later) is 
> http://wiki.realxtend.org/index.php/NG_Design_Document/Viewer_Architecture/Framework#Component_based_World_Object_design
> Instead of a base scenenode class, that model uses aggregation: an 
> Entity is just an identity, which can refer to any components it wishes 
> to use. One example is what you say above: position, rotation and scale 
> -- those are currently implemented in Naali as the Placeable component. 
> So any entity which wants to have those props can have that component, 
> currently that is avatars and prims. But also e.g. the terrain and the 
> water skybox are entities.
> Prim data we haven't splitted into many different components, but now 
> there is a single component for that data: 
> http://www.realxtend.org/doxygen/viewer/class_rex_logic_1_1_e_c___open_sim_prim.html
> The idea is that with that Entity-Component model we can have all kinds 
> of data, like the Ogre material properties or whatever physics settings. 
> Even that an application can define own custom components, which the 
> uniform system could then store and transfer, and the application code 
> could handle how it wants. These components are just passive data, no code.
> The question for Opensim developers is: would this kind of design be a 
> good target in the SOG/SOP etc. refactoring?

On the surface this sounds like a good approach - keep a minimum structure in 
the objects and bring everything else in
via composition.

Out of interest, have you thought about a Model-View-Controller approach to 
this problem?

> In coming Realxtend work there is increasing pressure for being able to 
> easily extend the data there is about the objects in worlds. This is not 
> for any specific application only, but specifically to allow all kinds 
> of applications. In that sense it would seem to fit the Opensim goal 
> well, being a generic platform for many apps and not only a SL impl. But 
> for us it would also support the immediate specifics in Rex, like Ogre 
> animation data etc.
> There is basically two places where we'd need the server to support 
> arbitary data: 1. in networking and 2. for storing. Also of course it 
> would have to be within the Opensim internals so that scenes with the 
> data like that would still function, the actual running of the 
> simulation like movements and physics etc.

Personally, I think that we should support arbitrary data directly but I know 
other core developers have concerns about
this (such as performance ones).  This is probably a topic for debate.

> One option is that we make a module that implements an additional 
> network connection to the client with another protocol that communicates 
> the scene object data, with basics like movements remaining in SLUPD as 
> they are. In this case the module could also use some own storage system 
> for storing the data too. But in this case similar(?) basic information 
> about objects would be in two places .. dunno if/how bad that would be, 
> we'll have to examine this more I think.

Intuitively, having two sets of data stored in different places feels nasty - 
really something to be avoided I should think.

> But if we could refactor the core Opensim scene to this design, and 
> implement the core storage mechanism so that it'd support additional 
> data (or even arbitary custom app specific data?), it would be just a 
> matter of different ClientViews .. SL view communicating just the prim 
> data as it currently does, and Rex view communicating Ogre and/or 
> arbitary data in the E-C style, possibly using some other protocol like 
> MXP and/or Google protocol buffers, or an own solution.
> We still have enough tasks to keep us busy easily for the next month or 
> so without this, but need to get this ball rolling at some point -- 
> possibly later in the autumn. This is basically just a heads-up to 
> inform opensim devs about what we have in the client now, and what would 
> need from the server, to get initial reactions and ideas about how it 
> might be good to start with this. If there is a feasible roadmap towards 
> this within Opensim, I imagine we would do the bulk of the work, of 
> course appreciating all the help that could get. I'm a bit afraid of the 
> SOG/SOP monster having heard about the difficulties in changing it, but 
> I guess we'll have to see that as an argument *for* a refactor and not 
> against it. At least Realxtend can not be stuck with the SL scene model 
> forever.

I think it would be fantastic if Realxtend could help lead the way on a SOG/SOP 
refactor in partnership with the other
interested devs.  The best thing would be to develop a roadmap in co-operation 
rather than wait for one to happen.  The
topic of SOG/SOP refactoring has been kicked around before in this mailing list 
- not just this time - but no-one has
had the resources to go forward with it.

>> I don't now about the interface registry, I'd rather see this 
>> "minimal" class be a base class from which more specific classes 
>> inherit and that handles the connections to Scene and the linking 
>> stuff. Seems more sensible to make this most used entity be fast, 
>> specific subclasses rather than registered interfaces. But... a 
>> subclass could offer that registration method if it needs to be that 
>> extensible......
> So in our design the base Entity is so minimal that it doesn't have any 
> data, just an identity with pointers to mostly minimal data components 
> like Placeable for pos&rot&scale, and larger data like Prim. No 
> interfaces are used, but the extensibility is achieved by aggregation.
>> Melanie
> ~Toni
>> MW wrote:
>>> Both SceneObjectGroup and Part are growing beyond manageable sizes (with 
>>> both of them over 3000 lines long), and are not very easy to change when 
>>> trying to make custom classes bassed on them (as I think Sean found out 
>>> recently during his attempts). 
>>> Ideally I think we would all like to see the separate Group and Part 
>>> architecture replaced with a architecture that was more like a Node based 
>>> scenegraph , and had a hierarchy of SceneObjects. But I think we all know 
>>> of the problems in doing that, and how much work is involved.
>>> So as a small step in (hopefully) that direction, I propose to start 
>>> splitting those two classes up, and having something similar to the 
>>> interface registry we use in various of parts of the architecture. 
>>> (RegisterInterface<type> , RequestInterface<type>() ). 
>>> So things like the methods for editing prims would move out into a separate 
>>> class; for example ISceneObjectGroupEditing. And then when the scenegraph 
>>> wants to call a editing method on a Group, it can call :
>>> Group.RequestInterface<ISceneObjectGroupEditing>();
>>> I believe that this will at least make the code more manageable and make 
>>> those classes easier to customise. I also hope that it will make it easier 
>>> to head towards a new combined architecture for prim handling.
>>> The draw back could be performance, as we will have the overhead of calling 
>>> those methods to request the correct interfaces. Although we could do the 
>>> same as we do in scene and have properties that can access the common 
>>> interfaces. (eg. SceneObjectGroup.Editor)  
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Justin Clark-Casey

Justin Clark-Casey
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