If I was running anything close to production traffic I'd certainly be running 
6.5.1.  I'm actually trying to do development work and so tend to prefer to 
track the tip.  Honestly I'd have preferred to develop against an older version 
and made a request that the large refactoring work proposed be done in a branch 
(if only the git stuff had been in place you could have done a separate tree 
for it easily then pushed the changes into the main tree when the dust had 
settled).   Anyway, I'm not trying to rehash that, just simply making a request 
for more doco on tip so those of us trying to work against it can make progress.


From: opensim-dev-boun...@lists.berlios.de 
[mailto:opensim-dev-boun...@lists.berlios.de] On Behalf Of Len Brown
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 3:18 PM
To: opensim-dev@lists.berlios.de
Subject: Re: [Opensim-dev] Opensim.ini and the various config files

I'm running 25 regions and plan to ad an additional 25 by November.  I 
completely gave up on trying to figure out 0.6.6 since there was no useful 
documentation for it.

I still run and it has continued to perform for me without any issues.

I now understand why IT departments wait a few years (often) before adopting an 
upgrade to Windows, for example.

Wait til all the bugs are out before adopting the upgrade.

- Len
On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Dickson, Mike (ISS Software) 
<mike.dick...@hp.com<mailto:mike.dick...@hp.com>> wrote:
I have to agree.  The thought was that the new ini file setup would be easier 
but I find it really awkward. I've had cases where an update (yes, on tip, I'm 
not running this in production) would break and it usually takes some scouring 
through ini files to figure out what new change needs to be comprehended. And 
the doco on the wiki lags so much behind it's really not a help.

I'd just second the request for a bit more doco at least in this area.  It's a 
real barrier to trying to track newer releases.


-----Original Message-----
 On Behalf Of Ai Austin
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 4:08 PM
To: opensim-dev@lists.berlios.de<mailto:opensim-dev@lists.berlios.de>
Subject: [Opensim-dev] Opensim.ini and the various config files

Just to feed back on a bit of experience.. that may be worth bearing
in mind for our user base.

We have had an Opensim setup for about 2 years - initially
standalone, then grid, then standalone multi-region and grid
multi-region for last year or so.  Its been working fine when I
regularly updated it every few weeks, which I did up to march this
year.  I could stay on top of the various changes to config file and
the now VERY complex Opensim.ini, XCML config files, changing region
XML file content, and opensim.exe parameters that were needed by
keeping abreast of the blogs and dev mailing list (especially
Justincc'e weekly blog is most helpful for this).

I tried once or twice about 2 months ago to see if I could update the
old system, but only managed to break it. with the User server now
stopping whenever I connect the SL viewer to iot fop all users on all
home and last locations I have tested.  I cannot see why that is
happening but decided to move on and get a NEW clean system and the
reimport the saved OARs we have for the old content.

So, I just returned to try to get an up to date Opensim setup (using
the 0.6.6 post fixes version) as a base.  I got a SQLLite standalone
working - though the master avatar wsa just a cloud. is that normal?

But trying to get a grid MySQL version back is proving hard. I just
spent an hour looking at the LONG Opensim.ini to see if I can spot
new things I need, and see the even more complicated [Architecture]
section at the end, which I guess I will have to work out and could
be the cause of the problems, as it seems to need changes fro grid versions.

But its proving REALLY difficult.  The Opensim.ini is now really
really complicated, and after 2 pretty much solid days of work, I
cannot get a grid setup to run on a single machine running UGAIM and
ONE region.. never mind the 12 we used to run.

Does anyone have some recent instructions on setting up in GRID mode
on a single server for MySQL and a working Opensim.ini and any other
config files I can copy and adapt to get this going?  Or general
advice if everyone is having similar problems with 0.6.6? I think I
have te UGAIM XML config files in good shape, as I deliberately
generated them afresh using the prompts the servers run through at
initial start up time, as I did not trust my old XML config files ot
be up to date.

Any pointers much appreciates so I can make quicker progress.


This also means upgrades are presumably out of the question at this
stage of rapid developments in Opensim? is that the experience or are
you all managing to upgrade still with the old upgrade instuctions of:

a) copy over the UGAIM XML config files (and region_settings.xml if
its customiszed)
b) insert your required changes in a NEW opensim.ini ecah time
c) copy your region xml files into the regions folder

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