Thanks everyone who came to the load test today. We hit 121 people (actual viewers) spread through 4 neighboring regions joined at a corner, running on the same server, with practically no chat lag and no sim crashes! People were chatting all the way through for 90 minutes.

The goal of these tests is to find out how many people can fit in a virtual gathering scenario, so we ask everyone to sit down instead of running around. Sitting down not only captures the scenario well, but, technically speaking, the avatars are removed from physics, which makes the sims not have to work so hard.

The test grid was running the latest code from the dev branch, with no additional improvements.There were a few quirks here and there; we'll be analyzing the logs in the next few days.

We'll be making a few more of these load tests in the next few months. Next time, we'll announce it in advance and more widely.
We would like to reach the 200 people mark soon!

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