OpenSim has a suite of ossl functions for handling JSON already (

If I get a chance, I'll take a look at these fns & see how hard it would be
to implement them. The idea of parsing the json on every operation seems
rather awkward (the joys of having no data structures in the language).
And... probably a good idea to compare the accessors in the OSSL functions
with these expressions.


On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 3:29 AM, R.Gunther <> wrote:

> Secondlife comes with more new lsl commands, the are maby intressting
> To implement at soem point in opensim. or sooner.
>    - *list llJson2List(string json)* – converts the top level of the json
>    string to a list.
>    - *string llList2Json(string type, list values)* -* *
>       - Type is JSON_ARRAY or JSON_OBJECT
>       - Converts either a strided list of key:value pairs to a
>       JSON_OBJECT or a list of values to a JSON_ARRAY
>     - *string llJsonGetValue(string json, list specifiers)* – gets the
>    value indicated by spcifiers from the json string.
>    - *string llJsonSetValue(string json, list specifiers, string value)*– 
> returns a new json string that is the json given with the value indicated
>    by specifiers set to value
>    - *string llJsonValueType(string json, list specifiers)* – returns the
>    type constant for the value in json indicated by specifiers.
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