11fps ? is that not very low. 22fps gives more rome or 33fps.
But i admit that i read fps maby wrong, and have nothing today with the framerate or smoothness on the screen..

On 2015-03-02 19:28, Michael Emory Cerquoni wrote:
The reason physics and scripting are locked at 11fps is because this is what the OpenSimulator heartbeat ticks at, the reason it is multiplied is to satisfy the viewer statistics, I am not sure its possible to have it report the legitimate numbers without some wierd side effects, but I could be wrong, you would have to experiment, I suspect though that changing this could lead to a lot of badness.

On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 1:23 PM, Sean M <mondesire.s...@gmail.com <mailto:mondesire.s...@gmail.com>> wrote:


    We at the MOSES project have noticed Simulation and Physics frames
    per second (FPS) have a few issues that we are trying to resolve.
    The issues are producing suspicious performance statistics for the
    analysis of the current version of OpenSim that we are running.

    First, there is a correction
    factor (m_reportedFpsCorrectionFactor) that the raw SimFPS is
    multiplied by. The comment in the following line is a bit curious
    because it indicates that the FPS is artificially inflated to
    "lie" about the actual FPS being so low:

    OpenSim/Region/Framework/Scenes/SimStatsReporter.cs: Line 317
    // We're going to lie about the FPS because we've been lying since
    2008.  The actual FPS is currently
    // locked at a maximum of 11.  Maybe at some point this can change
    so that we're not lying.
    int reportedFPS = (int)(m_fps * m_reportedFpsCorrectionFactor);

    Also, lines 174 and 227 mention the use of this correction factor.

    Second, this multiplier also comes into play in the Scene where
    there is a MinFrameTime, which seems to be the minimum reported
    amount of time to process a frame:
    OpenSim/Region/Framework/Scenes/Scene.cs:Line 723

    Both of these variables, the correction factor and MinFrameTime,
    are concerning from a statistics view point as they are generating
    skewed and massaged numbers; therefore, I have a few questions:

    1) Is it commonly known that Sim and Phy FPSs are inflated to
    maintain the "lie"? And if so, will it be corrected to be an
    accurate reporting of processed frames per second?

    2) What exactly are the definitions for OpenSim's Simulation (Sim)
    FPS, Physics (Phy) FPS and a frame (I have found conflicting and
    vague definitions on the wiki)?

    3) What are the known performance consequences of setting the
    m_reportedFpsCorrectionFactor to 1 and MinFrameTime to 0?

    Sean M.

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Michael Emory Cerquoni

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