It took me some time to understand that we have two distinct map systems.

Map V1 stores maptiles in the asset server. Map V2 uploads them in a directory using MapImageServerURI internally, and serves them to the viewer through MapTileURL GIVEN DURING LOGIN.

And that's the whole problem because "V2" viewers won't see the map in hypergrid since (I suppose) their map is bound to their login grid.

On June, 2011, Diva Canto wrote :

Note that, for the time being, V2 map will get considerably confused on HG teleports. The first step was to make the map work. The next step is fixing the map for the Hypergrid. There's a brute-force way of doing it, and there's an elegant way of doing it. The elegant way of doing it requires collaboration with viewer developers. Let's see what we can do togetherŠ

(end quote)

This is not implemented in the latest Firestorm, when the old and venerable Imprudence displays the map perfectly in hypergrid.

So my question : is there any way to force V2 viewers to use V1 map?

-- Jeff
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