it only outputs the content section of the current view, so if you have:

<Content type="html" view="profile">
hello profile
<Content type="html" view="canvas">
hello canvas

and your in the profile view, the (only) output is:
hello profile

        -- Chris

On Jun 20, 2008, at 12:55 PM, Daniel wrote:

> Hi!
> I've looked at the specification of Multiple Content views in
> ,
> but I've a question on how does containers suppose to handle those
> multiple views:
> - When a container reads the XML application, will it render all the
> XML file or just the "<Content type="html" view="SPECIFIC_VIEW">" of
> I'm asking this, because I want to add some javascript functions to
> several VIEWS that have the same name, but different functionality
> regarding to which VIEW it's rendering, and if the container renders
> all the XML file I'm pretty sure that it will break the application :S
> So, how actually does a container handle multiple content views in the
> same App XML?
> Best regards,
> Daniel Botelho

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