I'm sponsoring the following fast-track for John Levon.
Updated manpages in materials directory.

1.  Introduction

libvirt was introduced as PSARC 2007/157. virt-install does not seem to
have been introduced to ARC separately, but was part of LSARC 2007/175.
This case covers a refresh of both packages.

libvirt is being upgraded to version 0.6 (currently 0.4).
virt-install is being upgraded to 0.400.3 (from 0.300.3).

A patch binding is requested, though no backport is planned.

2.  API changes

Both packages have APIs intended to be stable but controlled by the
upstream community. This section covers new additions to the APIs. Those
interested can read the upstream documentation for more information.

Except as noted, we ship the same API as upstream does without changes.
New virt-install and virsh options can be seen in the man-page diffs in
the case materials.

As before, virsh options that are not implemented on Solaris yet have
been ifdefed out.

Currently, libvirt, as a Volatile interface, has no API man pages; the
new API functions are listed below.

libvirt has a number of XML schemas: these are now delivered to
/usr/share/lib/xml/rng/libvirt/. OpenSolaris already uses this location
for Relax-NG schemas, but this is the first time it's been presented to
ARC, so this case marks the location as Committed. We also mark the
individual schemas as Committed.

Note the manpage diffs remove the incorrect verbiage about ldoms and
the libvirt tools. Solaris has not shipped with an ldoms libvirt driver,
though an external project exists. Future work will provide an
integrated solution for ldoms support with libvirt.

3.  Incompatibilities

PSARC 2008/577 introduced the relative path APIs. This case marked them
as committed. After negative feedback from the upstream community, this
case will change them to be Obsolete Volatile.  Practically, these
interfaces are not heavily used and were introduced only for
virt-convert's usage. It is expected that they will go away at some
point in the future, to be replaced by the community's solution to the
issue (namely virt-image).

PSARC 2007/157 marked usr/bin/i86/virsh and usr/bin/amd64/virsh as
Committed. These are implementation details and should correctly have
been Not-an-interface. This case fixes this.

The last virt-install version incorrectly accepted the --location flag
for HVM domains. The newer version reverts this bug, so --cdrom is
required instead.

Earlier versions of virt-install supported an interactive prompting mode
when not enough information was given. The newer version disables this
feature. Since it's only useful for interactive usage, this shouldn't be
a compatibility issue per se, though it does make virt-install even
harder to use.

No other compatibility issues have yet come to light.

4.  Interface table

/usr/share/lib/xml/rng                                  Committed
/usr/share/lib/xml/rng/libvirt/*                        Committed
libvirt API                                             Volatile
usr/bin/virsh                                           Committed
usr/bin/virsh cmdline                                   Committed
usr/bin/virsh output                                    Not-an-interface
usr/bin/i86/virsh                                       Not-an-interface
usr/bin/amd64/virsh                                     Not-an-interface
usr/include/libvirt/libvirt.h                           Volatile
usr/include/libvirt/virterror.h                         Volatile
usr/lib/libvirt.so                                      Volatile
usr/lib/amd64/libvirt.so                                Volatile
usr/lib/python2.4/vendor-packages/libvirt.py            Uncommitted
usr/lib/python2.4/vendor-packages/libvirt.pyc           Uncommitted
usr/lib/python2.4/vendor-packages/libvirtmod.so         Uncommitted
usr/lib/python2.4/vendor-packages/64/libvirtmod.so      Uncommitted
virDomainGetRelativeXMLDesc                             Obsolete Volatile
virDomainDefineRelativeXML                              Obsolete Volatile
virsh(1M) --relative-path                               Obsolete Volatile
usr/bin/virt-install                                    Committed
usr/bin/virt-install cmdline                            Committed
usr/bin/virt-install output                             Not-an-interface

5.  References

     PSARC/2006/260 Solaris on Xen
     LSARC/2007/175 Virtual Machine Manager
     LSARC/2007/625 vncviewer
     PSARC/2007/157 libvirt - a LGPL library to control guest domains
     PSARC/2008/289 Least Privilege for xVM
     PSARC/2008/577 Libvirt APIs for relative paths
     PSARC/2008/579 virt-convert
     PSARC/2008/596 Block Tap Support for Solaris

6.  New libvirt functions

int                     virConnectRef           (virConnectPtr conn);
int                     virDomainRef            (virDomainPtr domain);
int                     virDomainBlockPeek (virDomainPtr dom,
                                             const char *path,
                                             unsigned long long offset,
                                             size_t size,
                                             void *buffer,
                                             unsigned int flags);
int                     virDomainMemoryPeek (virDomainPtr dom,
                                              unsigned long long start,
                                              size_t size,
                                              void *buffer,
                                              unsigned int flags);
int                     virNetworkRef           (virNetworkPtr network);
virConnectPtr           virStoragePoolGetConnect 
(virStoragePoolPtr pool);
int                     virConnectNumOfStoragePools     (virConnectPtr 
int                     virConnectListStoragePools      (virConnectPtr conn,
                                                          char **const 
                                                          int maxnames);
int                     virConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools(virConnectPtr 
int                     virConnectListDefinedStoragePools(virConnectPtr 
                                                           char **const 
                                                           int maxnames);
char *                  virConnectFindStoragePoolSources(virConnectPtr conn,
                                                          const char *type,
                                                          const char 
                                                          unsigned int 
virStoragePoolPtr       virStoragePoolLookupByName      (virConnectPtr conn,
                                                          const char *name);
virStoragePoolPtr       virStoragePoolLookupByUUID      (virConnectPtr conn,
                                                          const unsigned 
char *uuid);
virStoragePoolPtr       virStoragePoolLookupByUUIDString(virConnectPtr conn,
                                                          const char *uuid);
virStoragePoolPtr       virStoragePoolLookupByVolume 
(virStorageVolPtr vol);
virStoragePoolPtr       virStoragePoolCreateXML         (virConnectPtr conn,
                                                          const char 
                                                          unsigned int 
virStoragePoolPtr       virStoragePoolDefineXML         (virConnectPtr conn,
                                                          const char 
                                                          unsigned int 
int                     virStoragePoolBuild 
(virStoragePoolPtr pool,
                                                          unsigned int 
int                     virStoragePoolUndefine 
(virStoragePoolPtr pool);
int                     virStoragePoolCreate 
(virStoragePoolPtr pool,
                                                          unsigned int 
int                     virStoragePoolDestroy 
(virStoragePoolPtr pool);
int                     virStoragePoolDelete 
(virStoragePoolPtr pool,
                                                          unsigned int 
int                     virStoragePoolRef 
(virStoragePoolPtr pool);
int                     virStoragePoolFree 
(virStoragePoolPtr pool);
int                     virStoragePoolRefresh 
(virStoragePoolPtr pool,
                                                          unsigned int 
const char*             virStoragePoolGetName 
(virStoragePoolPtr pool);
int                     virStoragePoolGetUUID 
(virStoragePoolPtr pool,
                                                          unsigned char 
int                     virStoragePoolGetUUIDString 
(virStoragePoolPtr pool,
                                                          char *buf);

int                     virStoragePoolGetInfo 
(virStoragePoolPtr vol,
virStoragePoolInfoPtr info);

char *                  virStoragePoolGetXMLDesc 
(virStoragePoolPtr pool,
                                                          unsigned int 

int                     virStoragePoolGetAutostart 
(virStoragePoolPtr pool,
                                                          int *autostart);
int                     virStoragePoolSetAutostart 
(virStoragePoolPtr pool,
                                                          int autostart);
int                     virStoragePoolNumOfVolumes 
(virStoragePoolPtr pool);
int                     virStoragePoolListVolumes 
(virStoragePoolPtr pool,
                                                          char **const 
                                                          int maxnames);
virConnectPtr           virStorageVolGetConnect 
(virStorageVolPtr vol);
virStorageVolPtr        virStorageVolLookupByName 
(virStoragePoolPtr pool,
                                                          const char *name);
virStorageVolPtr        virStorageVolLookupByKey        (virConnectPtr conn,
                                                          const char *key);
virStorageVolPtr        virStorageVolLookupByPath       (virConnectPtr conn,
                                                          const char *path);
const char*             virStorageVolGetName 
(virStorageVolPtr vol);
const char*             virStorageVolGetKey 
(virStorageVolPtr vol);
virStorageVolPtr        virStorageVolCreateXML 
(virStoragePoolPtr pool,
                                                          const char 
                                                          unsigned int 
int                     virStorageVolDelete 
(virStorageVolPtr vol,
                                                          unsigned int 
int                     virStorageVolRef 
(virStorageVolPtr vol);
int                     virStorageVolFree 
(virStorageVolPtr vol);

int                     virStorageVolGetInfo 
(virStorageVolPtr vol,
virStorageVolInfoPtr info);
char *                  virStorageVolGetXMLDesc 
(virStorageVolPtr pool,
                                                          unsigned int 
char *                  virStorageVolGetPath 
(virStorageVolPtr vol);
int                     virNodeNumOfDevices     (virConnectPtr conn,
                                                  const char *cap,
                                                  unsigned int flags);
int                     virNodeListDevices      (virConnectPtr conn,
                                                  const char *cap,
                                                  char **const names,
                                                  int maxnames,
                                                  unsigned int flags);
virNodeDevicePtr        virNodeDeviceLookupByName (virConnectPtr conn,
                                                    const char *name);
const char *            virNodeDeviceGetName     (virNodeDevicePtr dev);
const char *            virNodeDeviceGetParent   (virNodeDevicePtr dev);
int                     virNodeDeviceNumOfCaps   (virNodeDevicePtr dev);
int                     virNodeDeviceListCaps    (virNodeDevicePtr dev,
                                                   char **const names,
                                                   int maxnames);
char *                  virNodeDeviceGetXMLDesc (virNodeDevicePtr dev,
                                                  unsigned int flags);
int                     virNodeDeviceRef        (virNodeDevicePtr dev);
int                     virNodeDeviceFree       (virNodeDevicePtr dev);
typedef int (*virConnectDomainEventCallback)(virConnectPtr conn,
                                              virDomainPtr dom,
                                              int event,
                                              int detail,
                                              void *opaque);
typedef void (*virFreeCallback)(void *opaque);
int virConnectDomainEventRegister(virConnectPtr conn,
                                   virConnectDomainEventCallback cb,
                                   void *opaque,
                                   virFreeCallback freecb);
int virConnectDomainEventDeregister(virConnectPtr conn,
                                     virConnectDomainEventCallback cb);
typedef void (*virEventHandleCallback)(int watch, int fd, int events, 
void *opaque);
typedef int (*virEventAddHandleFunc)(int fd, int event,
                                      virEventHandleCallback cb,
                                      void *opaque,
                                      virFreeCallback ff);
typedef void (*virEventUpdateHandleFunc)(int watch, int event);
typedef int (*virEventRemoveHandleFunc)(int watch);
typedef void (*virEventTimeoutCallback)(int timer, void *opaque);
typedef int (*virEventAddTimeoutFunc)(int timeout,
                                       virEventTimeoutCallback cb,
                                       void *opaque,
                                       virFreeCallback ff);
typedef void (*virEventUpdateTimeoutFunc)(int timer, int timeout);
typedef int (*virEventRemoveTimeoutFunc)(int timer);
void virEventRegisterImpl(virEventAddHandleFunc addHandle,
                           virEventUpdateHandleFunc updateHandle,
                           virEventRemoveHandleFunc removeHandle,
                           virEventAddTimeoutFunc addTimeout,
                           virEventUpdateTimeoutFunc updateTimeout,
                           virEventRemoveTimeoutFunc removeTimeout);

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