On 6/29/05, Eric Boutilier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ...
> > But, as someone that's implemented an entire software deployment system
> > based on OpenPKG, I'm heavily biased towards it. Especially since there
> > is a rich set of portable packages already available and Solaris is an
> > officially supported platform for the OpenPKG project...
> Just wanted to point out that you're talking about the merits of the
> OpenPKG system and team, not necessarily their choice to use RPM as the
> backend architecture.
> So my instincts (such as they are) tell me that comparing the pros/cons
> of the pkgsrc backend architecture with that of the rpm backend
> architecture, would effectively result in a tie.

I wish I could agree, but I can't. I've worked with a lot of different
source based packaging systems, including Gentoo's, Grimoire (Sorcerer
Linux..can't remember exactly), FreeBSD ports and others. RPM is a
great system for providing easily rebuildable packages that generate
binary packages. Personally, I have yet to find a source package
system that supports easy rebuilding of source packages into a binary
one using the same naming conventions and package specification files
other than RPM. Every other system I've seen tends to seperate the two
to a certain extent and makes it a real pain to manage both. I'm not
saying that pkgsrc doesn't have that capability as I haven't worked
with it. But, RPM is pretty dang convenient from my developer, system
administrator and user perspective.

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://binarycrusader.blogspot.com/
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