Dan is right... we figured it out last night. 
I had used the snv_16 express build to get my PC up and running.
downloaded the source and closed bins and ran the compile (and it DID run... 
6.5 hours.. 600Mhz CPU...)
I used Install to create the tarball and then laid it down into 

At Dan's direction, we used the debugger to see that pci-ata was the last 
module load line before the panic. I compared the dir trees   
/platform/i86pc/kernel/drv  and /platform/i86pc/kernel.tarkus/drv  and saw that 
  ata   and ata.conf were not in my kernel dirs. 
copied them over and rebooted.... and it came up OK.

I believe what Dan was trying to tell me later, was that there still may be 
some missing (closed) drivers.  I did a quick compare of the drv dirs and it 
looked complete... but I'll have to go back and do a more through job.
Thanks for all the late night help!!
Raymond Scott
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