On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, Gerhard S. wrote:

> That's fine. But why does /bin/sh not just implement
> command line editing? It's not that cursor key support

Because then it wouldn't be the Bourne Shell!  Solaris takes
backwards compatibility more seriously than other OSes...

> Also why are the cursor keys not enabled in ksh by
> default? set -o emacs works, but shouldn't be necessary.

Because some (most?) peeople would prefer vi bindings?

> And I was pretty shocked of cursor keys not working
> reliably in vi after I installed OpenSolaris first. Maybe I'm spoiled, but I

Heh.  Us old vi hands know that using hjkl is better than using
curor keys.  I learned that lesson in college nearly 20 years
ago.  (That is, I started using the cursor keys but kept getting
escape sequences.  It wasn't too long before I learned the
proper methods of moving the cursor.)

> > y reasons, but as a user, I make my shell /bin/bash.
> I suspect everybody does so why not just make this

You suspect wrongly.  Many of us prefer ksh.

Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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