On 7/12/05, Ian Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stefan Teleman wrote:
> >On 7/12/05, Ian Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>The runConfigure scripts refer to stuff in your home directory.
> >
> >Oh, these sourc'ed files are just very simple env var settings, like:
> >
> >setenv QTDIR "/opt/qt-3.3.4-32" or
> >setenv LD_RUN_PATH "/opt/kde-3.4.1/lib:/opt/qt-3.3.4-32/lib:<...>"
> >and so on
> >
> >i can post them tonight also --
> >
> Great, thanks.
> >>There is a directory, /opt/fsw4sun/ referenced as well, I'm guessing its
> >>freeware stuff built with studio 10.
> >
> >yes this is the big bundle of KDE depencies (also built with
> >SunStudio10) which i am hoping to get rid of and share all the
> >dependencies with the GNOME guys in a more reasonable fashion. :-)
> >
> Maybe more of a question for Dennis - with the free availability of
> Studio10 to the OpensSolaris community, should be be looking at
> migrating more Blastwave packages over?

Well Blastwave has licenses for both Sun ONE Studio 8 and 10 on all
platforms and there already exists two builds of KDE.  We have KDE
3.3.1 and also KDE 3.4.1 which are both built and maintained by Ken
Mays.  We are currently moving the KDE 3.3.1 build over to the stable
tree for the quarterly release and then it seems fairly obvious that
the KDE 3.4.1 release will move into unstable.  Ken Mays is the
maintainer and he knows that he has complete free reign in this

Which really means that I fully expect that he will work with various
people to create yet another build of KDE 3.4.1 with the possibility
of binaries for sparc v8, v8plusa and v9 and v9a all via the ISAEXEC
wrapper if he chooses.

Really it is up to Ken and I think that his KDE work has been
exceptional and I live in it everyday :-)

> Blastwave would appear to be a natural home for these packages, either
> with a unique name or in a new directory.  I have the time to build a few.

Please coordinate with Ken Mays as he is the lead man for KDE at
Blastwave.  I currently have his build of KDE 3.4.1 running now and I
am sure that he is keen to apply Stefan's patches to achieve a build
that has the regular dependencies from the Blastwave software set.

Dennis Clarke
Director and Admin for blastwave.org

ps: http://www.blastwave.org/dclarke/stuff/KDE_341_1.png  built with GCC by Ken
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