>Wouldn't it be even better to not have to make that judgment call? Now
>don't get me wrong, the stuff done by the likes of Blastwave and
>Sunfreeware were *hugely* important - I'd just like to see us acting as
>a combined community, working on porting the software, integrating the
>software and packaging the software into a single repository. I think
>that's the important point I take out of Alo's original proposal that
>I'd sure like to work on.

One of the things that we should perhaps work on is adding the
ability to generate Solaris packages for much of the free software.

There's now a lot of duplication of effort by people making Solaris
packages for the same modules; in some cases, postinstall scripts are
pretty hard and to find out which files are part of an installation is
also not always that easy.

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