
>  > A 'DVD worth' doesn't necessarily mean it has to be the only
>  > medium. I'm just pointing out, that the average user will probably
>  > not even use close to 3000 packages - if we can focus on a good set
>  > of packages, and maintain with a repository model it seems like a
>  > better situation until we develop a big enough user/developer base.
>    Do you want to do that inside the OpenSolaris community?

Either way, I'm not fussed. We have to focus on the long term goals -
how we actually get there is a completely different thread from my point
of view.

So a little story to compliment this, would be Jeff Waugh's GNOME
Marketing talk at GUADEC. Previously, everyone had been discussing this
great big GNOME 3.0 plan - how they could change the user interface,
break all the libraries, turn things on their head. It was all going to
be amazing.

But who was going to suffer?

But that's why it was immediately moved to be called Project Topaz [TPZ
= Three Point Zero, with some vowels], so that people would move away
from that, and look towards the long term goals of where we needed and
wanted to be, rather than the free for all that everyone was thinking -
and the hundreds of users that would ultimately suffer.

And then Jeff turned everything on its head once more, with one simple
slide -


10% of the global desktop market by 2010. That's the goal - now work on
how to get there.

>    In my opinion, it makes much more sense to relay that work on some
>    packaging experts: Debian and Gentoo are my favorites. We care about
>    the software and they care about compile and distribute it in the
>    way the community is used to get it.

Absolutely - but without the full committed support of a substantial
number of people from Debian/Gentoo, I think that's going to be an
uphill battle. I also wonder what the messages we're sending out to our
customers with such a step.

I don't know - maybe I'm being overly pessimistic. I'd just like us to
focus on a goal, focus on the key players that we already have, and
focus on what technology we already have. Seems like there is more value
to creating a unified community initially, rather than creating a
distributed one.


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