On Tue, 23 Aug 2005, Ben Rockwood wrote:

> I haven't seen CAB meeting notes since the 6/15/05 meeting.
> http://www.opensolaris.org/os/community/cab/cab_meeting_notes/2005/cab_meeting_notes_20050615/

Hmm.  We should rectify that, even if it is to post the notes from
our meetings at OSCON.

> Whats the current arrangement for CAB meetings?

Most of our business is conducted on the CAB mailing list, away
from conference calls.  That's because we're all in different
time zones, so arranging to be "together" for an hour is hard.
So we decided to avoid con calls as much as possible, the intent
being that the CAB mailing list archives serve as "notes".

That said, we *are* having a conference call tomorrow, to hammer out
the remaining details of the first draft of the Charter, after which
it'll be posted (on cab-discuss, IIRC) for comments and discussion by
the whole community.

Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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