Very valid point.
Would be nice if all opensolaris-based distros could guarantee to run
unmodified C binaries. There are quite a few ways to achive that.


On Tue, 2005-10-25 at 11:22 -0700, John Plocher wrote:
> Erast Benson and Joerg Schilling were discussing GNU/Solaris:
> >>>GNU/Solaris distribution uses OpenSolaris kernel and runtime(libc). So,
> >>>it runs any existing Solaris software without modifications.
> >>If you put them into /usr/bin, you will overwrite existing standard UNIX 
> >>tools
> This points out some large differences in people's perceptions of 
> "what is a Solaris app?"  One perspective is a minimalist one, 
> concerned with syscalls in libc; another is broader and takes into 
> account the utilities and other commands that are part of the system. 
>   Still others focus on middle ware and libraries, Java, web services, 
> etc...
> That is, "runs any existing Solaris Software without modifications" is 
> more difficult to do than it is to say.   It is safe to say that the 
> ARC process at Sun spends much of its time ensuring that changes to 
> the system don't negatively impact this area.  The Solaris Binary 
> Compatibility effort (see appcert(1)) grapples with this issue as well.
> Going forward with OpenSolaris distros, a simple expectation might be
>       If it runs on Solaris AND it passes appcert(1), then
>       it should also run on any "Solaris Compatible" system.
>       (Noting that appcert focuses on shared libraries and
>       does not address system()'d or exec()'d utilities...)
>    -John
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