After talking to some people it doesn't look like the QLA2100 or QLA2200 HBA 
drivers would be made opensource for opensolaris. There just is not a good 
business case to open the source code for either family of HBAs on Solaris. If 
someone wants an open source driver they are stuck with Linux. As Sun can 
attest there is a HUGE financial burden to going from closed source to open 
source. For the 50-100 customers who might use it within a hobby environment 
there is no benefit to QLogic other than keeping some people from being 
disappointed. There are a lot more downfalls to opening the source than letting 
the old product die. Once you open the source to EOLed products you get people 
calling support for help with compiling, and diagnosing if a card is bad, this 
is especially true with the cards that have lasers as the lasers do have a 
limited lifespan. Those calls tie up a lot of resources than can be spent on 
customers who purchase current products. Let's not forget about how many OEMs 
that QLogic has for it's HBAs. There is a perceived risk of cutting into the 
sales of those OEMs, and additional load on their support centers.

Now don't boo me though. I'm just laying out the downside of changing the way 
things are.

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