Last night at the Silicon Valley OpenSolaris Users Group meeting we had a very special treat, Scott Nelson (Dir. of Business Development, Helix Community from Real Networks) spoke to us about Real, the Helix Community, and answered questions regarding Solaris development efforts. At this meeting many of us learned that more activity is already active that we know. Here are some notes:

1) Sun has a dedicated engineer to the Helix Community for Solaris support: /Margot Miller. She's been working on Helix/RealPlayer support for Solaris (both X86 and SPARC) since December! There are many challenges she's had to face but she's made tremendous progress.

2) Anyone who's interested can work together with Margot and the Helix Community on the Helix Community "Porting-Solaris" mailing list: (You can find a list of all the Helix mailing lists here:

3) Much of this work is being done with the hopes of packaging Helix/RealPlayer with JDS in future builds (S10 U2 or U3); we're going to be seeing a lot of RealPlayer/Helix in the future.

4) A large effort has been underway by both Sun and Real to make this happen for some time now, the effort has simply gone unnoticed by most of us. I highly recommend that you read through the archives of the Helix Porting-Solaris mailing list to catch up on where things are at.

I leave it at that for now. The big take away here is that we have a small community headed by Margot at Helix working on Solaris/OpenSolaris support and we need to provide some linkage between their efforts and OpenSolaris. Claire/ Giordano was present at the meeting last night as well and we all talked over ways to bring our efforts together; this mail is the first step. In the coming days I think we should try and get some links up on and make sure that anyone in the OpenSolaris community thats interested in helping out with Helix has the resources they need to hook up with Margot and the others working on the effort.

Now if only Adobe would be so proactive. :)

Tremendous thanks go to Scott Nelson and Margot Miller for all their continued efforts that will benefit us all.
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